Where were you when valve saved the switch?

Where were you when valve saved the switch?

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I already played this game, nobody cares

Is this paid mods again?

>Only interesting announcement was for ports of 11 and 15 year old games
I don't think even this will be enough to save it.

>selling the same old games for the 7th time

Classic Valve move

What the fuck is Valve doing? Shouldn't this be a Deck exclusive?

all our exclusives are falling...

>trans colors
no thanks

I've been saying for years, they should release Orange Box on Switch. Half Life 2, Portal, and Team Fortress 2 (Vanilla release state, no bots or hacks).
Well, they kinda made it partway there with Portal now, but I kinda wonder if they'll go all the way if this sells well.

>exclusive for a linux operating system

portal is so fun. I like how you can only place portals where the devs want you to, otherwise i might have to think about how to solve the puzzle, which as a switch user I never want to do.

yeah im hyped for the force unleashed port kek

>No Half-Life port

Its valves only good game so thanks retards lol.

exclusives are cringe
they are held hostage on shit platforms in a pitiful attempt to get you to throw away money on hardware you don't need
PC is and has always been the best platform so we don't need exclusives

portal already has native loonix builds this is jsut portal 1 and 2

Only the first Portal is good. The second one was made for chicks.

Portal has zero replay value

half life sucks without kb/m

Gyro aim works well

Fun announcement

Hey maybe they'll port the other Nvidia Shield games.

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>i dont like it because some retarded im not like other girls girls like it
portal 2 is great faggot

does switch have bridge constructor portal?

I can't wait to emulate this my on Deck.

>replaying a single player game
>replaying a single player puzzle game
>no test chamber maker
Hard pass

you cant bhop without kb/m

Uhh...steamsistas, you mind explaining this?

Post tits or gtfo

Portal 2 is great exclusively for the split-screen local co-op.

im not a female

Portal is already on the 360 and PS3, how is that an exclusive

Free money from soĆ·boys that will buy literally anything you put on the shitch

I'm assuming you like portal 2 because it only lets you place portals in clearly marked spots that are also the solution

Nintendo is already sharing ALL of their exclusives with the Deck. Unfortunately the Switch can't handle the Deck's games..... so Valve helped their good friend by manually putting Portal on Switch,

>a new generation of le cake is le lie memes
fuck this shit

Neat, but why fucking bother at this point

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Yeah because that's what Portal needed - local co-op. What next? Base building and cinematic cutscenes explaining the deep lore? lol