Whats the appeal of this doopy ass game skyrim is way better

whats the appeal of this doopy ass game skyrim is way better

Attached: elder-scrolls-4-oblivion-800x600-2[1].jpg (800x600, 46.17K)

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Better side quests and main story

Nostalgia. Teens that got the xbox on launch then oblivion dropped a month later, probably their first time playing a RPG

That and TLOTR recently wrapping up, the game was definitely influenced by its visual design and capitalised on it. iirc there's old interviews with Todd saying they definitely played it safe given it was their first title geared towards console players

You answered your own question.

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Best quests in the series.

>better main story
>better quests
>better location
>better magic

[obligatory morrowind post]

It was incredible for its scope at its time of release. You didn't have many games where you could explore fucking everything. It was a novelty at the time, even if it's a chore now.

Memes and funny radiant NPCs.



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Have to agree. For the time, the scope of this game was unprecedented. In hindsight it is pretty flawed.

I put hundreds of hours into Oblivion and loved just following the paths from town to town. I probably dropped Skyrim in less than 20 hours. Like, who the fuck wants an entire game set in Bruma? Nothing about it is memorable or exciting. Also, why would you make a game set in the mountainous region and get rid of the acrobatics skill?

athletics and speed lets you run faster
acrobatics lets you jump higher
having attributes

Every elder scrolls game casualized the former. But imo Skyrim took away too much.

non-whites werent allowed to own video game consoles during that period of history. it was a great time for gaming all around.

Exact same game as Skyrim except
>better quests
>better locales
>better roleplaying
>better music
>better atmosphere
That's about it, they're both shit games

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what is wrong with you Any Forumstards? how does rest of the world playing a singleplayer game affect you in anyway?

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i dont browse Any Forums, midwit. im just tired of being near creatures with dark brown eyes and skin. you and your family will never be accepted into the west, leech. stop ruining it for everyone else

>better quests
>better locales
>better roleplaying
slightly true but they are not much different regarding that
>better music
nah, skyrim's ost is slightly better and more iconic
not really skyrim nails the atmosphere with many locations. oblivion looks way too samey in general, and it's atmosphere has basically a generic fantasy feeling with vibrant colours and upbeat ambient.