How do i cope with the fact that action game peaked in 2004?

how do i cope with the fact that action game peaked in 2004?

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Become Ruy irl.

they peaked in 2009 tho

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But user, Ninja Gaiden Black didn't come out until 2005

That would be 2013, anything else has stagnated ever since.

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more like action game cutscenes peaked in 2013 lol

You grow up and be an adult. Also, NG is dogshit,.

DMC5 was pretty good and it sold well enough to keep the franchise going

You just play NG again. It's sad but true.

lmfao, imao even

More like how I cope with the fact that NG1 was the only good game from them and afterwards the studio started doing some mushou and waifubait shit with 0 value. NG deserved better.

Imagine ninja gaiden 2 levels and enemies if they were in the ninja gaiden black engine on the original Xbox. Could have been kino

I can’t keep playing it forever (not him) I’ve played it like 10 times. my Xbox finally stopped reading discs half way through my very hard play through.

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3D was a mistake

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Play Shinobi.

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the OG release of NG2 on 360 is still fun, nowhere near the quality of Black but just dealing with the shit storm that comes when they throw massive crowds of enemies at you combined with the new gore system is still a blast, bosses are awesome too, Sigma 2 can sigma balls though

I played it once it’s okay. 6/10 Flawed masterpiece. would benefit from some modest cleaning it up. Would become a 10/10

Muh gore and muh many enemies is exactly what ruined the series for me. It really is just like some mushou shit prototype where you watch flashy ut animation over and over again.

>modder cleaning it up

3 isn't as bad as it's made out to be

>No way to quickly switch weapons or sub weapons
>Shitty tacked on stealth sections that bloat the entire game
>Most levels are boring af everyday locations like streets and offices
>Is bad at teaching you the very basics of it's gameplay
I love MGR but lets not act like it wasn't plagued by some really bad game design decisions.

>>no way to switch weapons
>>is bad at teaching you the mechanics
>>shitty tackled PLATFORMING sections
>>shitty hold block the game

>shit bosses
>no realtime weapon switch

>real time weapon switch
Why would you need to switch weapons in the middle of a fight? Get good.

>action game
>why would you want to switch weains
Genuinely retarded

It's like not being able to control gears in a driving game.

>somehow more linear than 2
>god awful boss fights
>ONE weapon