Female vidya characters that fucking stink

Female vidya characters that fucking stink
pic related
she's a corpse

Attached: 1626935747947.png (2000x1612, 3.79M)

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I don't often think about these things.

when i had a "going into games" machine - this woulve been early 2006- i used to go into majoras mask A LOTand one of my fav things to do was fondle romani at the ranch. one of the great things about fondling video games characters is they don't fight back or struggle because they don't recognise u as a player character..it's like you dont exist. but let me tell you, she smelled like SHIT. in fact everybody in that game did..I got used to it after a while but that first moment when i smelt romani up close..i was almost sick. she looks clean & nice when you see her on television but when ur there stood next to her its a different story. The machine was stolen in the end and im kinda glad. it had started to take over my life


Imagine tugging on one of her pubes

holy based

Kerrigan sucks and you suck for making a thread die for your sins

this particular area right here.
I wanna sniff and lick it, no rather coat it with my saliva using my tongue

Attached: armpit.png (430x293, 168.55K)

Attached: 1632783436396.jpg (4096x1728, 539.97K)


God, I love it when giantesses STINK

Attached: 1523829265980.webm (1280x720, 1.01M)

You should have gone into KoF or Fatal Fury and told me how Mai's sweaty titties and ass smell.

Attached: Fatal Fury 3 - Sweat.gif (432x999, 322.47K)

Violet from new vegas

Probably isnt even black, shes just so covered in dirt and Probably shit since fiends go into the sewers a lot

Attached: latest (48).jpg (1000x715, 384.16K)

That picutre looks like a n a treadnought wing from a the right enagle

pubesless version is the best
badly drawn pubes are the worst

Imagine how smelly and sweaty Heather was after going through Silent Hill.

Attached: file.png (360x360, 144.62K)

Literally canon. I want to give this dumb bitch a bath.

Attached: conceptualize the stench.jpg (500x700, 192.22K)

>That picutre looks like a n a treadnought wing from a the right enagle

Attached: 1636480671269.jpg (114x125, 1.93K)


know what'd stink more if she had a girthy fleshy member between her legs