Which gamer do we stand with?

Which gamer do we stand with?

Attached: Charlie vs Darkviper.png (1125x885, 1.56M)


Didn't he cause apollo to kill himself and the play victim afterwards?

None of these people are your friends
Get help

He's an aussie, it was all banter

Darkviper because he is not critikal


>Caring about yt drama

Go outside, get some fresh air and reevaluate your life user.

penguin is retard, nikocado exposed him months ago. he gets away with being a garbage human because hes a twink

What kind of board could solve this problem?
/ec/ - ecelebs?
/yt/ - youtubers?
/inf/ - influencers?
/id/ - internet drama?

I never liked Critikal. He was unfunny before when he would just spout random toilet words, and hes unfunny now that hes become a faggot eceleb blogger.

These people and the people that watch them need to fucking kill themselves already.


Both of these people (and every eceleb) are not worth caring about in the slightest.


They do they same drama-farming garbage, one is just mad the other is more successful.

Combine them into /www/ - Internet Media

/incel/ - internet celebrities

He was a unfunny faggot always. Anyone who says "WELL HE WAS LE HECKIN FUNNY BEFORE THE FACE REVEAL" are faggots who were 14 in 2013

Any Forums- Cute/Male

You should feel ashamed and question your life choices if you spend any amount of time on this.

Make it happen