Which is your favorite fromsoft area?

Which is your favorite fromsoft area?

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That one and Anor Londo

I hate this level. Sure, it's stunning, but the layout and enemies are some of the most annoying in the game.

the swamp

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the one with the zombies and skeletons

Genshin has prettier zones than any From game.

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Sekiro as whole is peak comfy, that one is pretty good even for sekiro standards

other than that, archdragon peak was kino

Anor Londo, Darkroot Garden/Basin, Undead Parish, Ashina Castle

Fuck Mt Kongo trash area tedious as fuck

I too enjoy poison swamp #14

There's just something about the place

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Upper blighttown
Peak soul

Hirata Estate.
Hirata Estate.

Attached: Sekiro Hirata Estate.webm (1920x1080, 2.75M)


Sen's Fortress

The Depths or Blighttown

Bloodborne's fishing Hamlet
Yeah I like lovecraftian stuff and no newfag meme created by zoomies in 2021 will change that.

>Darkroot Garden/Basin
why? there's nothing

Ash Lake. The music suddenly kicking in will never be forgotten

I love the looks of the Ringed City, but I wish we had gotten more of the actual city streets, with all those white flowers.

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I unironically enjoyed the Dreg Heap more than the Ringed City itself.
I just think the whole convoluted level with throwbacks to other areas is very cool.

Dreg heap did feel very end-of-the-world-esque, which i like, and it led up to the place you fight Gael, which is like the very very very end. I love the somber feel of Dark Souls, i hope we get some of that in Elden Ring. Ive purposely avoided all media about it. I know theres a yellow tree thing and that you ride a horse, and thats it

Favourites are Undead Burg/Parish (consider the whole thing one big zone), Lost Bastille, Archdragon Peak, Ringed City, Ashina Castle, and Fountainhead. Overall favourite is Ashina Castle, although Fountainhead and Archdragon Peak take it from a visual stand point.

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Same, don't get the appeal of mining for pre release info in a game. Would rather just wait to play it without knowing what I'm getting info.

Hirata Estate and Senpou Temple