Dude smelt more iron lmao

>dude smelt more iron lmao
nice game dickheads

Attached: Factorio-developer-unsatisfied-with-G2A-after-taking-up-offer-of-chargebacks.jpg (640x360, 63.97K)

just smelt more iron bro

you should have plenty, the world is your factory

Shit ain't gonna smelt itself, you addlepated troglodyte. Unless you automate it to. Get on it.

>he can't smelt enough iron

lmao @ u

Attached: Hatm71knilen21.jpg (1920x1080, 1.22M)

Already put a coin in my piggy bank to buy the dlc. Poorfags will never understand.

games like factorio are perhaps the worst form of vidya. it's all just weird optimisation and problem solving busywork - more than other games this convinces you that you're doing something useful with your time. a game for people with nothing intellectually challenging to engage them irl.

Weakest bait I have ever seen

Brainlet cope

But but my autistic pedophile youtuber said it was good bro

here comes the guys serving me fast food while wishing they could be the guy who arranges the kitchen that makes the fast food. aim higher.

You're right, I just need to find another Iron Ore patch to feed into my smelter stacks before I can though

I'll leave the sigma grindset to you while I have some fun in my free time.

>his mind melts down at the thought of expanding beyond wherever he started

I would never set foot in a fast food "restaurant". That shit is only for dumb peasants such as yourself

What's the appeal of using beaccons with speed modules instead of more machines?

its to offset the reduction in speed caused by the production modules
lets you turn less into more at the same speed or faster

Beacon with Speed 3s and Smelters/Assemblers with Prod 3 together are more power efficient than non-moduled setups

>dude just build drones
Why do they have to ruin another game.

Attached: 1617751826077.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

Love the light of this faggot head.
He is so high up he’s farther than the moon.

>having issues with iron
>not copper
How's the red science going?

Brainlet cope

Me and a friend, both with a master degree in mathematics, have talked about this as well. Games lile Factorio are highly dangerous because they satisfy your urges for complex problem solving. At the end you have learned nothing useful because humans have awful skill transfer efficiency and you also have weakened your urge to engage in real life problems.

>dude smelt more iron lmao

Attached: 0c0.jpg (800x491, 90.11K)

Copper is a piece of piss
Plastic now that's a headache, fucking oil yield bullshit