What the fuck did those disgusting aliens do to her?!!!

What the fuck did those disgusting aliens do to her?!!!

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Experimented on her, then tried to wipe her memory of it, but it didn't work right and it accidentally gave her a lobotomy.

made her eat all the eggs

Ever seen Fire in the Sky?

I can fix her and her sister.

Can you fix me?

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>Oh fuck what is this, we just wanted the cows
>What do we do, she has seen too much?
>Kill her?
>Are we savages? No, wipe her memory and put her back down

They ran a space train on her. Also aliens in a high fantasy setting is really creepy.

If you want the most logical answer, the aliens did likely sexualize Romani due to the fact that they'd be curious what a human vagina would feel like. All species are curious about human vagina and the intoxicating energy that drafts from within the narrow walls of fleshy cunt. They don't have morals that us humans do, so her age is of no concern to them as they abused her all throughout the night. Because of her severe trauma, it's highly likely that she was kept awake during the whole ordeal. We also have reason to bekive that an alien raping her body would put more stress on her than if a human did it, due to the fact that they could incoporate astral punishments that humans are unaware of. She could have been electrocuted, probed, and violated for hours on end. That's why she can barely talk. Her expression says it all.


They don't explicitly say they're "aliens". You never see a spaceship or anything. A bright ball of light comes and they start appearing and they're only "aliens" because they resemble the Flatwoods monster and want to steal cows for some reason. Having them in a fantasy setting is pretty neat because in a setting where magic and monsters are normal, "aliens" are even more exotic.


it definitely adds depth to the franchise because imagine if link snuck onto their spaceship and went back to the homeworld and actually had a side quest were he Omni-man'd their entire planet then went back to termina and reset the time loop regardless. It'd add another layer to termina because the world is supposed to a projection/simulation so maybe the aliens are real and just seeping into the projection due to their extra terrrestrial nature.

Thanks, user, you're a real homie.

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They did what they do best, probe ever orifice until the subject is a babbling, mind broken mess.


>They don't explicitly say they're "aliens".
Why would they? LoZ is a fantasy setting with knights, kings and monsters so nobody would know what an alien is.

They're obviously supposed to be aliens and they do alien things from pop culture media. They come from the sky, abduct cows, their theme is electronic sounding and their design is literally based on an alien cryptic. People need to lay off the Zelda theory videos because I've seen some dumb theories about "Them" posted here
>No, they're not aliens. They're ghosts and they take the Romani cows to the Beneath the Well!
It looks and acts like an alien so I'm gonna call it an alien.


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Gave her too much weed

Told her they'd give her the tongue whipping of her life but didn't do it. You can see the disappointment on her face.