Pleb filters

Post the greatest pleb filters in vidya history

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Buenos dias fuckboy

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chained ogre isn't even a pleb filter, he's straight up the hardest encounter in the game because he has multiple grab animations that require you to react differently. Only thing that might be harder is the demon of hatred

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That's cause demon of hatred is basically a bloodborne boss. The way it moves is so different to most bosses in the game.

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You only die 3 times and already figure out how to beat him, jrpg shit doesn't have filters.

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With Chained Ogre you can just hop up on the wall and poke him to death from outside his reach though. As a pleb shitter this is what I did.

that's boring and gay

There's older JRPGs like BoF2 where if you don't level up some characters they will get stuck in a 1v1 fight that they can't win.

Took me 6 months to complete the first level of Drive. I just gave up after days trying and gave it another try 6 months later.
I remember thinking that was the whole game and after i completed it, i thought the credits were going to roll. Now it's just a fond memory i have of my childhood. Had a blast playing the rest of the game ofcourse with my mind completely blown away there was an entire game after that first tutorial.

Yeah but I'm literally a pleb faggot, and was not filtered at all by that boss.

there are entire jRPG franchises people bow out of because you can't pause in them like cRPGs

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Do filters have to be hard, or can they just be retarded?

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I agree about DoH, but Ogre is definitely not that hard.
Just use flame vent more.

>using cheat items like roberto's firecrackers or the umbrella
may as well use spells and summon in souls games

Chained ogre wasn't that hard, didn't block any of his attacks, just dodged. Made it such a tight fight, got in the zone hard.

Also you won't have it on the first ogre encounter, but living force is such an awesome skill that lets you melt ogres later in the game and on new game + with how you can apply fire to your blade.

Alright don't use it and keep complaining about him.
Not my problem.

I bet you're the kind of knuckle dragging nigger that never used the mist raven

not complaining, sekiro is easy overall i've beat the game twice, I'm just saying chained ogre is one of the hardest encounters in the game

Worldbabies fear the sneezing T. Rex.

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the greatest pleb filter in all of MH was barroth in tri, it caused so much anal devistation it was nerfed IMMEDIATELY after tri. Veterans still have "barroth urgent plz" etched into their minds