[1. General] [user] LFM WC need all

[1. General] [user] LFM WC need all

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Other urls found in this thread:


[1. General] [xXxSephirothxXx]: AMERICA SUCKS

[2. Trade] [Humanmale] WTB Tauren gf pst

[1. General] [Sneed]: [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] [Dirge] [For The Children!]

I can still hear the theme in my mind's eye. The nostalgia hurts.


"Did you find my wife user?"

Attached: 2aDMULswAU55ZxB9eFQSRg.jpg (1920x1080, 273.67K)

Which race had the most transexual players?

Night elves.

Night elves


Blood elves.

*shift click*
>user - Level 21 Undead Warrior

What's with all the WoW breads lately? I just started playing classic. I had an itch I needed to scratch but I'm having a good time with it. Leveling an undead rogue. Will probably go for a hemo spec for early PVP until I get better gear then I'll switch to daggers

Attached: Damn this bitch is fucking hot for no reason.jpg (850x1252, 710.25K)

How many rogues do you need to kill a paladin?
2, one to make him bubble and hearth, the other one to kill him in Ironforge.

shes hotter as a worgen

[1.General] [Orcmale]: Garrosh did nothing wrong.

I don't know about that, user. But she does become one of the 4 horsemen later

Attached: 563655-high-inquisitor-whitemane.jpg (894x1080, 184.65K)

That's a meme rogues literally can't kill paladins all the paladin has to do is put on a shield

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lfm gruuls lair
dst, magus blade, defender token rez
full on rogues

[1. General] [Roflcopter] Chuck Norris tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried

epic win

>Your auction of Bruiseweed sold
idk why but that makes it more funny