My mother just bought a ps4

What games do I recommend to her? She's only played old nintendo games before when she was a kid

Attached: bettie bondage.jpg (800x450, 45.9K)

seek help from head shrink.

women tend to like exploration type games, maybe hzd?

Some movie games would be good for starters. Just ask her what movies she enjoys and go from there

Your mother looks trashy

Based mom

Attached: Mommy.webm (406x720, 2.47M)

For me, it's mommy comes home from prison.

is ur dad black?

is your mom hot Any Forums? post pics of her

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Do you guys think she's wearing panties?

Tell her to give me a call. She can play games and have the sex.

She should've gotten a Switch for Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Pokemon and all that.

Install retroarch with full romsets nintendo atari snes sega

cooking mamma

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Get her Detroit: Become Human

and then become horrified when you find some Connor x Hank fanfiction written in some text file on her computer weeks later.

im 99% certain this girl makes scat videos. Not even meming.

That's what I would assume from the mask, yes.

I mean i used to watch scat videos with a girl who looks exactly like pic related and the same mask. Its been close to 8 years but im pretty sure its her.

Moms do not play video games. You are either lying or you should be concerned about your mother.

based mom gamer

Attached: mom.webm (640x640, 1.05M)

Would any of your mothers have used TikTok to whore themselves out in their youth?

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>that one yoga video she made where you help mommy stretch

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Shit gamer pose. Two feet on the floor, elbows on knees or nothing.


based I love that one