Why in all the boards of Any Forums there is a ton of people obsessed with race?

Literally I found this in all the boards I visited, there is a lot of people obsessed with race and ancestry. why? And I am talking about calling each other nigger, I'm talking about the obsession with race and ancestry.

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Any Forums is filled with non-whites and its all they have.

They were always racist, the actual issues is the increase of gayness

Any Forums schizos, it's weird cause i've never met a schizo obsessed with race and ancestry IRL. They all live on the internet.

my favorite video game is super mario

Sir this is a Wendy's.

All the people obsessed with race are trannies in negation.

/pol is the obvious place, I was in films and guy came to talk about how Memento 2000 is an allegory to lost nationalism or some shit like that.
Earlier in the day I was in /pol and there was a guy that could have children asking if it was ok to artificially inseminate his girl so the kids would have the "right" ancestry. I'm not complaining nor do I think all of these are real, most are trolls, but it's definitely curious.

Super Mario is a classic nigga, mine is Castlevania Lords of Shadows, perfect way they develop the story.

Ok then, please tell me where do I post this pizza


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It’s just like real life where they act nice to your face and then seethe or plot to kill you behind your back
Fuck non-whites

>The most diverse board is the one that is most obsessed with race
Imagine my shock

People being groomed by right wing forces to encourage further culture war bullshit. The people who frequent chan sites are often easily manipulated by being distant or outcasts from society, so this is where they recruit.

There is only one race, brother; the human race

I don't know why does the same person make the "is tifa white/asian thread"

Trump lost, Hitler killed himself and you will never be white.

non-whites are the Dark Souls of racists

if blacks vanished from the planet, what sector of society would suffer?

Le reddit tourist

The majority of people aren't actually racist and/or if they are would never say shit irl

Anonymous shitposting releases endorphines which makes trolls feel good . I should know, I am one you fucking wigwog

all Senran Kagura characters

Buck breakers

Video games?
>obsessed with race?
Because everything is about identity politics those days, and that includes both: combat helicopters and 10% european 90% african mutts.