Most shameful gaming secrets

i paid $400 to a local gamestore employee so i can play cyberpunk 2077 three days early

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I actually lol'ed

Didn't we know it was super buggy even before launch? Also, since you're getting it from a gamestore employee, that means you probably paid $400 for a fucking PS4/XBO version of CP2077????

I bought a PSP and was so excited I left with the empty box.

Hang cyberfags


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I'm pretty sure if Koikatsu logged hours play it'd be my most played game ever. All I do is fuss over the four or so OCs I made in the character maker and make minute changes to them over the course of a few hours, and make a few shit scenes now and then in the studio.

I've literally never paid for a videogame in my entire life

i would type a funny reply but i just got banned from all boards for 3 days for racism.

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I've spent more money on gacha then most people will spend on actual games in there entire life


I respect that, but I’m also willing to believe that you’ve never had a job in your entire life.

What RACE is that!?

Someone post the unedited image without the cyberjunk t-shirt

One of my first faps was to Cortana from the Halo 3 manual. I was in middle school and when I discovered masturbation I was doing it all of the time (still do it once a day, usually before bed since it helps me sleep). It was also the only time I ever jerked it to a fictional character, since I’m not as depraved as the rest of you degenerates are although I’m getting there

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He’s kind of cute in a way. Not like in a sexually attractive kind of way, but more like Gizmo or a furby

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I have 40 (and possibly even more) hours in Sonic 4 episode 1 and while I remember being obsessed with the game at one point, I don't remember actually playing it for *that* long

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The only reason I don't play as a girl in videogames is because it's too distracting but I still make fun of people who do and call them troony fwaggots

Kek cyberpunk 2077 PC version had leaked on the internet like two day early, so I was playing it for free.

>bribing someone to break street date
>for one of the biggest gaming disappointments in history
You're a fucking idiot

I can't play as female character, because I just get so horny looking at a girls ass and all the sexy clothing options, that I just have to jerk off, or else I'll be thinking about sex all day.

i tried playing siren but i couldnt make it past the third level because it's so scary

A lot of underage faggots in this thread. I thought it was a school day?