Why didn't they just make this bitch the main character? she/it has more screen time and dialogue than anyone

Why didn't they just make this bitch the main character? she/it has more screen time and dialogue than anyone.
This game has some of the worst writing I've ever seen, I don't remember DL1 being this poorly written.

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you wouldn't say that if they kept her original vision chud

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She would still be an unlikable cunt that the writers have a fucking raging erection over.
On a side note, why are all the women in this game so hideously ugly? They literally have permanent scowls on their faces

>I don't remember DL1 being this poorly written
DL1 is exactly that poorly written


>permanent scowls on their faces
Zombie apocalypse will do that to you
This. I still laugh at how they hit a homerun with all of the "generic villain traits" they hit with that game.

I wish the game had let me choose to help Waltz. Fuck the city, I want to save Mia.

>I don't remember DL1 being this poorly written.
You don't remember that crane basically burns a crate full of medicine to then make a deal with some war lord to get more medicine cause he has important GRE data somehow.

More importantly why aren't most women sex slave metro style?

I mean outside of that one level with the strip club, I don't THINK this was ever implied.

The ONLY woman you ever see as a soldier is because she is the daughter of some general, that woman being Anna, outside that one "stripclub" level I don't remember seeing a single women.

Oh wow. So your just gonna ignore all those wives and cooks from the first game?

I don't remember any of them, but I'll take your word for it since I haven't play the game in years.

French girl that Juan invites you to have a threesome with looks good.
Library girl that filtrs with you looks good
Black widow chick looks good.

No one yet explained what they mean by the story being poorly written. They just repeat nonsense that journalists said. Fucking sheep.

Poorly written=same shit we have seen before.

>I don't remember DL1 being this poorly written

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How much screen time to main characters usually get in first person games?

>I'm just a goddamn parkour instructor!

Why'd they make her/it so ugly?

Why is she so ugly

Which is a good thing since it played everything as straight as possible being self aware of the cliches and generic nature. DL2 tried to be high brow, probably due to Avellone, but just comes off as poorly written schlock.

Don't forget that Crane himself needed that medicine, but his tiny peanut brain didn't think to stash some for himself.

Honestly who the fuck was Crane? He seemed like a pretty dogshit asset to send into Harran. GRE gave him no info then act surprised when he ignores/resists the mission in favor of the humanitarian crisis. Just say Suleiman has the cure, and if you don't want the entire world to turn into Harran you better find that shit.

There was nothing poorly written there though. Crane was a double agent sent to retrieve Rais for the GRE, or rather some data he has. Even Crane calls out the GRE spokeswoman on how stupid it was, but she just wants results and doesn't care about anyone else dying in Harran.

Imagine that a character has no reason to be there, don't know you are there, and they somehow appear in the same room in the middle of a dialogue scene when they were never there.

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why the hell did they change her design? Her new model looks like she injects botox for a living, it's nasty

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>muh poorly written

they did it after kicking avellone

It's pretty common in onions fiction that handlers don't give all the info to their agent especially if there's a conspiracy behind the scenes. But yes I do agree Crane seemed pretty incompetent. He was more like a mercenary. Although I guess in the end he does manage to kill his way to the top so whatever.

That and they just call the character ugly. Complaining vaguely about writing is a popular way to disguise the unrelated chip on your shoulder

they have never made a decent lookin black girl in any video game ever


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They tried too hard to replicate based Panam and fuck it up in every single way.

Everyone needed that medicine but him burning it cause yolo only makes more dumb.