Is the double standard justified?

Is the double standard justified?

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Literally doesnt happen for 10+ years

It is since I'll never see a woman naked irl.
Women can see naked men whenever they want irl so men get actual armor in game while men can't see women naked irl unless they're chad so they get bikini armor.

Fuck off zoomer.

The solution is to make everyone semi-naked

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Yes because the outfits are cuter while still giving the same stats

I wish people who say this could post a single fucking example.

Creative freedom doesn't stop where your feelings begin, proceed to fuck off and die.


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>implying this still happens in western video games

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Yes. Most action-adventure, crpg, jrpg and other video game genres with fantasy settings are oriented on 14 to 20-something years old male auditory. Up until recent years auditory was also mostly white people, as blacks didn't have enough money.
More than that, many fantasy media products were created not only in USA, but also in Europe and Japan. An up until recent years racial minorities was in somewhat high proportions only in USA, which means, that auditory, somewhat personally known to many video game developers, was also white people (excluding Japan, but they had got white people imaginary look fetish some time after the WW2).
And smaller (in video game industry) countries from Eastern Europe (Poland, Ukraine, Russia etc) just had their after-USSR stage of life, so european and american cultures were widely accepted (as they were forbidden officially during USSR and, therefore, were considered something rare, elite, unique).
And lately many big publishers have many money-maker-managers and almost no video game developers, so what was half-hobby - half-profession had changed into industry for making money - which, in turn, had led to the decision of attracting as many customers as possible, which could only be achieved by removing almost every thing, that was likeable only to a certain amount of audience.
So, yes, "double standard" are justified because women in general and female characters specifically were never intended to be the same, as male characters.

Isn't it odd that there are parts of our bodies that are not ok to show?


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Anyone who complains about this double standard would absolutely FUME if men and women had a choice between those two armors to pick. In reality they just hate attractive women and use any tactic to eliminate them from games

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sex sells, if you got a problem with it make a frugal game and sell it to the 2 people who care

very based

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Fuck off retard.

Actually based.

>a female character with a female haircut istead of that half buzzcut hear-me-roar one
Back on the drawing board

Women don't need armor because women can't fight.

Men and women are different, and should be treated differently.

>men in cool armor
>bitches in bikini
As it should be.

Thats pretty based as well though.

I hate women

yes. video games are for fantasy. now fuck off back to commiefornia faggot.

unfathomably based

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This is always parroted as "a thing" but I can't remember any recent (western) game that actually did this.

You know women themselves usually prefer the cute sexy armor, right?