THQ Nordic

>Elex II about to die against Elden Ring
>Saints Row only has negative reception so far
>Destroy All Humans 2 not nearly as hyped as the first
>no Darksiders in sight
Will they make it?

Attached: thq-nordic.jpg (800x799, 40.86K)

I just want to see the finale of Darksiders. Nothing else coming out of THQ interests me.

Attached: FIWQkUOWUAA9WV7.jpg (736x1030, 149.6K)

Expeditions Rome did great.

Expeditions Rome seems to be doing fairly well. Too bad the devs cased game development and shifted to nft scams instead.

I think Destroy All Humans 2 will do well considering how much people loved the remake of the first game. Expeditions Rome is also quite popular currently. Saints Row is the only thing people should be worried about. The rest will do fine.

Saints Row is the only game that has something to lose
every other THQ Nordic gameis a survivor

Elex 2 broke even before it came out.
Dev team is only 27 people and game is funded with EU money.

150k is three employees for a year

And? Studio is funded entirely with EU money.

money laundering

That's false. You get a tiny boost.

hey man, it's a living

That's slightly over 6 million for 4,5 years devtime.
Game costs 50.
Deducting store cut of 30% that leaves them with 35 per game sold.
6075000 divided by 35 equals 173571.
So when NOT taking EU money into account, the game would need to sell less than 175k copies to break even.
That's a very low number which it will reach with ease.
If you add EU money to the mix, they'd need to sell even less copies.
Game is guaranteed success mate.

ok Big Poppa Pump, you convinced me

Obviously it's a greatly simplified calculation but you get the point, I don't think the game is in any danger whatsoever.
It's the benefit of having a small trusted dev team.

Hopefully we get some news about it this year. I'd prefer they go ahead and continue 1's storyline instead of doing a solo strife game.

I'd personally prefer a Stife solo game first, as I'm interested what his ultimate fate was after the Battle of Haven and how Redemption ended up in the Forge Lands.

Was Genesis Strife's game or are they planning something else with him?

It was a spin-off prequel and not a mainline title.

>they greenlit Elex 2
>they greenlit nu-saints row
Too far gone

All of them are prequel titles user.

Yes, they confirmed it was Strife's game which is fucking gay, they did my bro dirty.

>not liking Gothic/Risen/Elex
What the fuck is wrong with you?