Well Any Forums?

Well Any Forums?

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I have a dick, so boy

i'm a missingno

I'm not a girl but I'm going to say girl anyways because Leaf is cute

Yes yes. Trannies are a sick joke.
Anything else?

>I will now pleasure myself with this Nidoran (female)

This is pretty based not gonna lie

i'm a boy but i want to be a girl

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>not picking the girl and pretending she has a big fat futa dick


>or are you a girl
Given the fact that the pokemon company has acquired a need for help from the real gamers, I will say no to this.

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Ah a man of culture I see

im a ditto.
im whatever you want me to be lololol

i love girls so much

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girl and i hate men who think they can be women

Why is Red the only one frowning

I've always selected the girl and only understood why last week or so
oh well, at least I can afford HRT

I'm a dude and I only pick the dude trainer and then I stack his team up with only female mons

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He was given the duty to keep everything in balance as Mewtwo's trainer which is also why he is always present everywhere. Failing that task is what leading us to this event where things are out of control. He knows that this inevitable since the very beginning.

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Based Oak, blowing the fuck out of troons ever since the 90s

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