Why can't burgers into subtlety?

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weak bait the remake looks better


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>that World of Warcraft door

literally just looks like blackwing descent. bluepoint are shit.

>why can't burgers into subtlety
>bloom turned up to 500000% in original game
why can't japs realize I want to actually see the boss I'm fighting

>Why can't burgers into subtlety?
Because they are burgers

bottom looks better
bottom looks better

They just wanted to appeal to the MUH PRESENTATION crowd.

bluepoint used to make the best ports, just faithful ports that ran at 60fps and higher resolutions with next to no bugs

shadow of colossus hd had fucked up physics I haven't touched any of their other shit

And they succeeded here too

How do they do it?

I played the DeS remake 3 times and I have nothing bad to say about it.
It is kino

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no it didn't, it used the EU/JP base, which had you getting thrown around a lot more, the NA version on PS2 was made easier because burgers are shitters

>demon's souls is subtle

Didn't they fuck up the lighting/particle effects on MGS2/3?

its not faithful though
I have that and ico on ps3, never touched soc
the ico port was very good
didn't realise there were issues with SOC

their mgs hd collection is imo the best way to play those games

didn't mean to hit reply btw

They would've made it look like the top if they had the budget and techology
>and other lies I tell myself

I've heard this before about 3 but I play both the ps2 version and the xbox 360 hd version all the time and have never noticed anything

>its not faithful though
It is though

So you admit they fucked up I accept your concession.

>neon dance club where everything blends in including the most important feature in the scene, the boss
An actual attempt at light design that creates appropriate highlights in the area

And pozzed flamelurker looks like a unity asset
Sorry fags, it's superior. Except for the animation where the character stabs an entire axe head through a dregling's body, that's strange

I specifically remember seeing a screenshot of MGS3, during a scene in which The End is overlooking the battlefield, and the lighting behind him is bloomed all to hell, obscuring the detail in the background. Not sure how many other instances of the problem there are.

>didn't realise there were issues with SOC
there isn't, REMASTER BAD on Any Forums regardless of the actual final product

i cant wait for when bloodborne goes to PC and snoys start to parrot DEmake as the best thing ever that will "NEVER EVER" go to pc

American society is based on excess consumption, thievery and lies. Subtlety, finesse and beauty are antithetic to their very existence. Whatever the american creates, it will be twisted and corrupted visage mocking nature.

Attached: trump-gold-apartment.jpg (866x650, 150.89K)

Trump is a German jew.

Bluepoint makes outstanding ports. But I feel like they're getting too cocky and start making too many of their own creative decisions. The main problem is that the old games are all handcrafted, while the areas they change appear to be some kind of Lego/procedural generated trash. The Firelurker arena is a clear indicator of that.

Just stay fucking humble and deal with the artwork given to you, or start making your own games.

>Just stay fucking humble and deal with the artwork given to you
Do you know what a remake is retard?

Look like I Fromsoft and I’m happy that DS was the foundation for what we currently have. But anti BPfags grossly overrate DS 2009 as if everything BP was did was some kind of sacrilege. The OST is one of the big things that the remake did better. DS original OST is fucking dated in a way that none of the following games sound like. Yes some of the diabolical aesthetic is goofy I’m not denying that but some shit like the Penetrator look fucking sick. Boletaria looks fucking amazing. The remake still captures the scale of the original even if they fumbled some of the designs. From didn’t even hit their stride till BB anyway.

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its not even a remaster it's the same game just running on better hardware

I'd of appreciate an AI update on many of the bosses.
They could have improved the lighting more too.

Still liked it, but I had forgotten so many aspects of DeS that I hate
>max storage weight that caps out at fuck you
>500 different types of upgrade materials
>boss weapons require a wiki because you need exactly +X upgrade on specific weapons or you can't craft them
>str weapons are massively inferior to dex weapons
>half the bosses are just gimmicks that have no challenge if you've already played them

Still like it, but god they really improved it with DaS

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the only reason they were outstanding in the first place is because they didn't fuck with the originals at all

Are you thinking of remake? It's absolutely a remaster

>while the areas they change appear to be some kind of Lego/procedural generated trash
They're firmly in the mindset of more = better so whenever they design anything themselves they have to make it as over the top as possible.

cope top looks better


>praising the original as having well balanced lighting
nigger have you fucking played demons souls? half the challenge of flamelurker is figuring out what move he's pulling off through the massive bloom cloud all over his body

its the reverse look at the bottom right

nice falseflag thread you've got there snoy, is it to compensate for the fact that your remake looks like mr.HIRE THIS MAN was given a budget and worked for sony instead of nintendo?
i'm not buying your shitty glorified unreal engine project and i'm not buying your NO GAMES console. go on and cry about it to me you fucking globalist