How does it feel knowing that Twitter dominates the direction of video games and will only get stronger with time...

How does it feel knowing that Twitter dominates the direction of video games and will only get stronger with time? I'm honestly hyped to see how low things can go

Attached: 10wmt-superJumbo-v4.jpg (2048x1488, 107.76K)

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it will fall just like Tumblr did

Attached: twitter downvote.png (807x624, 105.76K)

Am unable to even read twitter without making an account lately. Is i t just for me or everyone else?

don't chinks and japs use their own social media?

It doesn't. They don't actually buy and play games so they can't cater them.

i dont care i barely play videogames anymore

I don't give a fuck, video games have been so bad in the last decade I basically play only old shit.

Bought a 2080 not long ago because saw a good deal but frankly it has been a fucking waste of money.

Still dictates the direction of games though. At this point sells be damned

After a while, you will get a popup telling you to login or register
There are two ways to circumvent this
1.) Clear cookies and cache in your browser
2.) Click the URL bar and hit enter to reload the site, then you can click on the sides of your screen to make the popup go away
But if you click another thing on Twitter and get redirected to e.g. another Tweet, the popup will appear again and you have to do the reload all over again

Chinese yes, but Twitter is by far the most popular social media platform in Japan

ignore this and just use

Just like tumblr I use twatter for artist simple as

Until Twitter deletes the lewd stuff too. Unlike Tumblr their politics are going to carry the brand

#screenshotsaturday is the literal only good thing twitter has ever contributed to the world, and I'd argue even that's not a good enough tradeoff for trying to deal with the awful people on that website, so it feels bad, if you want an honest answer.

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Pretty based just like how they bought battleborn
or battlefield 2042 and made it a huge success

Attached: 1905254091.png (708x800, 68.68K)

this, Twitter has become the laughing stock of the internet, even among Zoomers

Unlike Tumblr important people use Twitter. It will be carried like Facebook does with old farts. Tumblr never had a Arab Spring or a 2020 where the fate of the world rested on Twitter

doesnt really matter when theres people literally crying out against twitter on every site that isn't twitter. its only a matter of time before Twitter goes the way of Standard Oil, broken up into several different competing companies

Or it becomes standard for communication like the smartphone became. You need one now in order to function

It sucks since sifu is coming out soon, I'm expecting the "it needs easy mode" discussion to pop up again. I wouldn't say twitterfags DOMINATE the direction of games, but that site breeds this weird secondary mindset.

Not happening, twitter is already failing, and something else is rising.

Attached: Abandon twitter.png (905x558, 184.14K)

GETTR is fucking unbearable literally full of the same faggots as twitter just with more RINOs. Jason Miller has the fucking SPLC verified on there and bans accounts routinely for the same shit twatter does. Kill yourself.

>half the screen space is unused
why the fuck can't anyone properly accomodate UI to use available screen space anymore?

Attached: wtf is this shit.jpg (2560x1171, 219.07K)

All social media is shit. If you use it, you are shit.

>tens of thousands
>literal who middle aged man podcast
It was obviously designed for mobile phones.