Are people even care about moral lesson in video games?

are people even care about moral lesson in video games?

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I learned everything I know from video games!

I'm... not in a good place in life.

Just use console commands?

>*Installs infinite weight carry mod*

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I'd care more if it wasn't the worst DLC in the game

>player.setav carryweight 99999
pfffft, morals are for faggots
bling bling

>stack them all into one item
>carry them with the physics interaction button


based dead money hater

They are care about your terrible English, retard.

At this point you might as well just go player.additem 0000000f 99999

I think it's fine to impart some ideal or some lesson in a story, just dont be preachy about it. If you write a story and write circumstances where greed gets you killed, then fine, if you tricked players into seeing a BAD END, then fine, that's okay too, as long as it's interesting.

However, dont be angry if your game is like Fallout Dead Money, where players actually DID find a way to take all the money.Not to mention this isnt the first time people have seen this kind of story. In Disney's Aladdin, the cave with the Genie's Lamp has MOUNTAINS of treasure. but they're forbidden. The moment Apu touches any treasure besides the Lamp? The whole place becomes a molten hellscape.

The idea isnt really new, fiction's always been kinda preachy.

>stuffs all the bars in Elijah's head and carries it out
>learns nothing

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movies, tv shows and books have had more of an influence on my morals and ideologies than video games ever will for the sole fact that i have to play a video game.
this is not to say video games can't or shouldn't try to do what other artforms do. having strong, well written paradigms and tropes can and will enhance immersion and engagement.

>find bucket
>put the golds on bucket

let go of what ?


I learned nothing.

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What morals?
Crime and degeneracy is good? Being white is bad?

The only thing New Vegas taught me was that I am a woman in a man’s body

low iq post baka senpai

If they wanted me to learn a moral lesson it would be stealing 30 fucking heavy gold bars from a dead old man's eye ball after carrying it around the basement of a casino is quite profitable.

>stack 'em all into the corpse
>carry away head

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That's not really a "moral" lesson.

In what way was the dlc "about" that at all?
Wasn't it just some crazy guy doing a running man type thing?

ashley was never cute. she looks like a 56% face monkey

No, Elijah does it for the techs but needs expendables like (you) to get inside the vault with the promise of money

i think this is a good opportunity to ask anons ITT
where's the inspiration for that looking up at the building all the way over there from this angle from, i might have autism or whatever but i can't seem to escape from wanting to keep looking at it

oh right, right. It's been a decade at least.
But, all but one of the characters arebeing forcibly compelled to do shit. "Letting go" doesn't enter into it.

the boomer wanted to subdue the facility to establish his own rule from there, thirsty loootbrained scavvers are necessary to throw at the process of acquisition
like the chicoms and antifa of today