Looking for horror games suggestions

already played:darkwod, silent hill, fear, condemned, alien isolation, RE7

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system shock 2



Wax Works

i liked amnesia but i couldnt get into soma, the story was cool but i didn't like the gameplay very much
yeah that game is terrifying sometimes

five nights at freddy's

Amnesia, just the first one though

Commander Keen

Would nu-Prey count?

great game but not that scary


terrible game and not scary or fun at all

Prey is more about atmosphere than horror
Once you get the shotgun the enemies stop being scary
It's still a 10/10 GOAT mindfuck game so I'd still recommend it

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The PS2 Fatal Frame games

What a dishonest recommendation; Prey 2017 isn't what OP wants.
Why you people always recommend games you like over games the person asking for the recommendation may want?

I would call it horror since I was more on edge and spooked out compared to RE7.

I specifically said it wasn't a horror game you cock slurping sissy, not just because I like it, but because someone asked about it

Cry of Fear
Amnesia and Penumbra series

Kill yourself, seriously

Condemned: Criminal Origins
Alien: Isolation

Dwelve in some obscure japanese games after because that's all there will be left that can be considered "good" and "terror".

i started Clive Baker:Undying and am really anjoying it...Cry of fear and Afraid of monsters are good ones too


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>OP wants horror game recommendations
>Recommend a game that isn't horror just because you like it, saving face with a dumb "it's not horror but..."
You two are dishonest, selfish retards. Why don't you recommend Dragon's Dogma while you're at it?

oh this one is good too...the sequel is complete or is still the demo?

play condemned 2 to wash that good taste out of your mouth

Rule of Rose
Project Zero
Resident Evil Remake
Dead Space
The Evil Within

>someone asks about a game and if it is horror genre
>explained that it's not a horror game but it's still a good game and worth playing
get off Any Forums and go back to 6th grade and learn how to read

That's a good one
Doesn't make sense there are so many animal people in a small town, but it's a good game

Bro you need to play fatal frame
All of them

>Recommend a game that isn't horror
Horror is subjective. I found Prey to be a better horror game than RE7.

yeah i'm seriously considering it. is it as scary as the SH series or more chill?

Early demo


I'm still somewhat annoyed by the direction 8 took. The dollhouse proved they could make a scary game if they wanted to, but instead we got RE4 again.

Siren Blood Curse?

shittiest argument ever

tried but i couldn't get into it, too much of a pain in the ass to play

Much like with the first game the demo is a separate cannon story from the main game.
The actual game is coming early 2023 apparently.
there's also a directors cut of the first game coming in March of this year i think

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