Party Any Forumsan

Hey Any Forums, we're playing Counter Strike: Source today! Come plant some hostages and rescue some bombs!
Password: no password today

>How do I connect to the server?
Enter 'connect' into console (make sure to enable the dev. console under settings). You can also enter 'openserverbrowser' in console to get a browser.

>How do I get saysounds?
There are saysounds on the server, so copy over your 'sound/vansounds' folder from CSS or TF2 if you've played those games with us.
For example, 'Team Fortress 2/tf/sound/vansounds' to 'Counter Strike: Source/cstrike/sound/vansounds'. You can make a new 'sound' folder if it doesn't exist.
If you can't find vansounds at '{GAME}/sound/vansounds', try looking for the 'sound' folder in '{GAME}/download'
If you don't have saysounds, you can download the sounds on server join through fastDL or get the sounds here:

>I'm interested in hosting a server.

Attached: css.png (920x430, 179.09K)

y css over csgo?
csgo is free

it's a better game and anyone who likes valve games already owns it


not go
not 1.6
What the fuck is wrong with you?

those vans sucked and died FAST
for different reasons

>doesn't want kino

man CSGO really kills the van


Attached: 1605811875886.jpg (1246x1494, 220.09K)

EFT when


Attached: 1561986897814.png (600x462, 487.83K)

first I have to download mcdonalds and now I'm downloading sounds...

My cs source doesnt open anymore

30 outta 32 players heading to nipper_opus

son I say son where is the 64 player limit

pc can't handle

well it can, server restart join back in faggot.

de_nuke with 64 maxplayer limit


t. greg

mg_piratewars_2010 with 28 out of 64 players