My horse just died in RDR2

Fuck am I sad. I actually can’t believe how genuinely upset it’s made me. We spent so much time together and he was there for me every step of the way, only to get taken out by some piece of shit law men looking for a bounty. I’m not even kidding, it feels like I just lost a family member

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You only feel that way because you fucked your horse, sicko

Why didn't you just immediately pause and reset your save?

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Ain't no Cock, like Horse Cock

I only thought I got shot, so I just died and respawned, but by the time I realized he was dead too, it was too late for any of that. Fucking law men bastards. They’re about to pay.

just get another one
maybe drink less soi

How low on T do you even have to be to post something like this?

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Now I'm just a simple man but I reckon... If a man wants to dress as an wolf and "yiff" a horse in the patoot, well that's between him and the horse. And ain't no one got a right to tell that fella otherwise.

If that made you sad, wait when you get to the ending

I did NOT fuck my horse in the video game. That’s not even a thing you can do. He was just a really good horse that I cared about. I get it’s weird that it’s a video game, but you honestly can’t wrap your mind around feeling loss for a pet unless you’ve been fucking it?

>he doesn't carry 99x horse medicine

so you just stared at the horse's nuts and wang going up and down as you entered and left the snow regions. got it.

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Don't worry OP, the game forcibly kills your horse anyway as part of the story.

that sounds gay is it in chapter 6?

I would have never taken Paunch to the Grizzlies, it’s too cold for him. That’s secondary horse work. No, he got gunned down somewhere near Annesburg by some no good posse, and I’m fixing to rain hellfire on them to teach them a lesson about what happens when you shoot a man’s best friend

it's near the end of arthur's story.

how many people did your guy shoot before you got to that point in the game

Go to a shop and get the horse reviver.
Bait thread your a nigger faggot who has not played the game

Yeah it sucks.
We just lost a horse irl last month, it's even worse

Wait is there still a chance to save him? I have horse reviver, but I got gunned down at the same time as him so I couldn’t use it, and then I respawned with no option to go back to less than 3 hours of gameplay.