The new AI is here and with a free trial. Have you tried it Any Forums?

The new AI is here and with a free trial. Have you tried it Any Forums?

Attached: file.png (400x140, 18.62K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>100 free generations
>100 more with the trial
Wow it's fucking nothing

Is it still like dealing with a schizo?

>copy everything
>close browser
>reopen novel ai

>I was walking down the street one day and I noticed something very strange on the corner of West and 31st. There was a dark ork, and it was standing up against a wall. It seemed like the only reason why it wouldn't move would be because there were people surrounding it, but that didn't make sense; so I moved in for a closer inspection. The ork's face was covered with bandages and there were a few metal plates on its chest. I asked him if he needed any help. He responded by grabbing me and throwing me away from him. I hit the ground hard; so hard that my two front teeth were knocked out. I got up and looked for him and his gang of orks, but they were nowhere to be found. Then the ork approached me again and told me that if I wanted to live, then I would have to join them, or at least keep their secret. I told them that I would never betray my elven brothers as I reached for my level 20 crystal sword. When the ork saw this, he laughed and said that it was all a lie. "If you're really an elf, then come out of the shadows, show us your true form!"

>I did just what he said and slowly stepped out from behind my tree, did some fancy hand movements, uttered a few incantations, and transformed into a 30-foot crystal dragon. The orks screamed in terror, dropped their weapons, and ran away. I chased after them and killed each one of them one by one, until I eventually caught up to the ork leader. He was an ugly ork, that's for sure, with a deformed skull and what looked like burnt or ashy skin. He spoke to me, but it was difficult to understand what he was saying as every word was a slurred a mutated mess of my beautiful native language. He used his magic to heal his wounds, and when he finished he spoke again: "You're stronger than I thought you would be." Then he transformed into a 30-foot crystal dragon. I had no choice but to fight him, so I transformed into a 30-foot crystal dragon again. I was surprised when he turned into a 30-foot crystal dragon too! I thought that we would be evenly matched, but instead of being equally matched, it became clear to me that he was far more powerful than I was, so I pulled out my crystal gun and shot him. I wasn't sure if my crystal bullets would work on his crystal body, so I shot him twice before he exploded into a million shards of crystal.
>I quickly made my way back to the castle and explained everything I had learned.


there's an IP limit

Will a VPN bypass that?

Does it still have that autistic NSFW filter AIDungeon had

As much as you want.

novelai never had a filter

i'm unsure, there's probably a way to abuse VPNs that doesn't require you to reach the limits of every IP availabe. even if i knew how to i'd never talk about it here because the developers lurk here so

Attached: sip.jpg (640x481, 25.62K)


hey its pretty good, as in its not braindead like sigurd, could be some prime faps here


No but thanks for telling me. How is it?



I will if we have a comfy thread like we used to.

Attached: 1623950102766.png (4454x2800, 641.95K)

The whole point of NAI was to get rid of the filter. And the privacy invasion.

I might try it then. And if I thought of it, I'm sure they did as well anyways.

how's the smut? is it censored to hell and back like every other AI?