Is this a dead studio?

Is this a dead studio?

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no. you could google this information you know?

Technically being alive doesn't make it not dead.

I could drive down and take a look.

It's a zombie that shambles onward by under the unholy power of its dread master, EA.


They have one more chance with Dragon Age 4 and Mass Effect 4

Are they even still around anymore? Haven’t heard from them in years

They haven't made a good game in a decade.

10 years late but yes

dragon age inquisition but nice try sweaty

That glorified MMO was not good.

better than your weeb shit sweaty

andromeda wasn't even that bad

They aren't even the same studio anymore

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You're right. They used to work out of a hotel. Now they're in a glass high rise down town.

Dragon Age lore: destroyed.
Mass Effect lore: destroyed.
Both franchises have accumulated so many inconsistencies they are unsalvageable.

ME players won't give a shit so long as they can have sex with their favourite waifus again
DA players won't care as they're basically new games every interation

It currently has two major titles in the works.
So no.

About a third of the staff from Dragon Age Origins are still with the company. It's still salvageable imo.

Andromeda for all its faults still had the companions and plot interactivity Bioware is known for

They are dead spiritually, the last three games they made sucked ass.

only Anthem sucked, sweaty

Wish the old guard would've dipped to places like obsidian where they can still actually make full-fledged RPGs. Wonder where most of the people who made ME1 are right now.

obsidian is full of leftists now. please no

They haven't made a good game for 10 years. I'm always up for giving a studio another chance, but you gotta be realistic at one point.

Unfortunately, you are correct.
Right after the release of ME3 Extended Cut I've seen fanboys on the verge of tears saying: "I don't care if things don't make sanse! I just wanted to see my Sheppard saying his final goodbye to Ashley!"

after the disasters of Anthem and ME:Andromeda I am surprised they haven't been shut down by EA. The studio is just name only at this point, none of the original people are left.

don't care bitch I love tali she didn't deserve to have shep die

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You'll see one come out, it'll be shit, the studio will be shut down and the other title will be handed to the peggle devs before being cancelled.

as long as activision has blizzard they will keep bioware arround.

>only Anthem sucked
Sounds like more of a (you) thing. Past three definitely sucked a long one.

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except a lot of the original staff still are with the company, sage-announcing faggot


You're full of shit Sage, even Saucy is less of a shit than you, and he also fucking sucks.

yes but they actually make RPGs, so maybe getting older, experienced devs in would help shape the games in a better way

EA is just animating its corpse

Nah the next Dragon Age and Mass Effect games will sell like hotcakes no matter how shitty they will be (and they will be very shitty)

Don't you forget about me!

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