Turns going bald into an angle in you're path

>turns going bald into an angle in you're path
Carnie GOD

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So, what's the over-under on what he ends up with? Will he go buzz-cut? Mohawk? Or right down to the skin?

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He''s shaving it all off to go get new plugs

Angle did this 20 years ago

>gets over a retarded wizard gimmick
>gets over going bald
>gets over having an appreciation society
>gets over a champagne brand
>gets over a shitty buttrock song
Bros I'm starting to think Jericho is the real GOAT of wrestling

>using someone’s balding as an angle

This is one of the oldest plays in wrestling.


Based Wizard

He's not, but he has shattered the upper-midcard ceiling he was supposed to have.

There is no such thing as upper midcard you goddamn smark

He's the greatest of all time in the same way Lebron James is, simply by sheer longevity and being good for longer than anyone else. But his peak wasn't as high as Bret or HBK who are commonly seen as the two best ever

wait so jericho is shaving his hair or how exactly work?

he's shaving so he can get a hair transplant, shaving the hair is part of the process

>Lebron James is
lol, hes more like a dirk, lebron has been the best player from ~2008-2018. jericho has never been the out and out clear best wrestler for that long of a period of time.

he got a clipboard over too

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So are we getting bald Jericho?
Will he actually have his head shaved?..

wait i don't really understand hair transplants, why can't they just fix the bald spots instead of taking off all the hair?

Jericho was the best in 1998-2001, 2003, 2008-2010, 2016 & 2019

based jerichad

other than 2008 no, you can argue multiple people all those years, thats his 2011 dirk run.

because during surgery they will extract hair follicles from the back of the head and replant them in the bald areas, and it would look retarded if he didn't shave it all off.

>There is no such thing as upper midcard
lowest-IQ thing I've read all day

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Rock, Austin, Goldberg, Hogan, Sting...

>Rock, Austin, Goldberg, Hogan, Sting
All terrible workers which is half of wrestling

Based & true, smark faggots cope about this

>muh workrate
you're both actual retards

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>Iverson Jordan Kobe are the GOAT's because they are the most profitable players