>It's bad's LE DIFFERENT

Attached: 646634-final-fantasy-vii-remake-playstation-4-front-cover.jpg (800x991, 101.96K)

it's bad because the plot is about "Remake"-ing the original game's events

No, there are a lot of good differences in it. It's bad because most of the differences are bad.

Some people try to argue that it's good simply because it's different. But being different is not inherently good or bad.
Good differences are good.
Bad differences are bad.
Remake has both, but the bad differences are REALLY bad.

But you know that already and I'm an idiot for replying to your retarded thread that you made to make the discussion of this game here even worse instead of better. You don't want to discuss it.

It's bad because it's a hallway simulator, not an rpg

It's bad because it's le bad. Stop making these threads.

Hey, just like the original game was before you got out of Midgar.

It's bad because of the ghosts.

it's bad because it has filler shit, censorship and cut content

PS5 version is more soulful for some reason.

>padding out the ass
>combat is worse than the standard RPG and worse than the standard action game
>new story stuff is fucking awful
Story changes aren't inherently bad, but these ones sure were.

What's wrong with the combat?

guess it was a shit idea to make us spend 45 hours there without adding new areas to explore, huh?

It's bad because the original game was bad.

it's bad because it's shit

It's bad because it is not even a full remake of the fucking game, it is just 1/3

Why does saying you like FF7R make Any Forums go insane?

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Loved the og, loved the remake and looking forward to part 2.

I thought games were supposed to be long to justify their price. Doesn't Any Forums always praise games that take 60+ hours to finish?

I can't understand how people can get mad about this when they made it clear long before it was just Midgar. Did people complaining about this really not pay attention at all?


You got filtered.


Attached: FF7 Remake Tifa brawling.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

why do you pretend anyone calling this game shit is insane? is it just to make you feel better about seeing people disagree with you? seems kinda retarded and childish

Because you're not allowed to like anything on Any Forums.

wow, that boss didn't even react. can't they see all the particle effects?

Because we were lied to, betrayed, and the good name and legacy of one of the greatest games ever created was completely and utterly shat on and destroyed by Nomura's insane retardation and Square's endless greed. I can't even play the original anymore without breaking down into tears.

then maybe they should have just remade the game in whole instead of padding out midgar for 70 bucks

Why'd he do it, Any Forumsros?

Attached: The truth behind FF7 Remake.jpg (670x960, 363.1K)

> ravaged story
> ravaged soundtrack
> awful combat with little to none RPG mechanic
> game itself isn't jrpg but action adventure now
> 40 hours filled with nothing, ending at Midgard
They're not going to release part 2

It's not a bad game, but their reason for developing the game the way they did was to flesh out Midgar. I would argue they failed.

take your meds, 7R is a good game

There is no criticism of remake that I won't reply to in order to dismiss it. Watch this.

>Keeps getting handed SE's highest profile games
>Does whatever he wants with them
>Still gets record sales and rave reviews
>Causes endless amounts of seething
How does he keep getting away with it?

Attached: E2xMeQAWYAAc9Gr.jpg (1496x1467, 127.77K)

>VersusXIII destroyed
>KHIII cucked hard
>Verum Rex not in production

Does he ever win?