Sifu sisters

sifu sisters....
it's over

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More like GAYFAGGOTS lmao

Hey look it's another Returnal
>this game sucks because I suck at it

>muh i can't play the game with my two left hands
Looks like an actual good game finally coming our way bros!

Only one of the non-green reviews doesn't bitch about the difficulty. I'm keeping my eye on this one.

>fucking ign reviewer loved it
Is this the opposite day?

Based. A good game should universally appeal to everyone not just “le hardcore gaymur” audience. Making a game needlessly hard for the sake of it is a sign of bad design.

Imagine crying a childrens toy is too hard to play with lol

You know that there are games made specifically for mentally challanged children, right? Just play those, user

Wasn't that line also said in a zeropunctuation video about dark souls or one of its clones?

The game looks badass. Will pirate it. Then buy it if I like it. Delete it if i don't like it

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>far too difficult
>The wall has grown a smug laughing face
I will now buy your game

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Haha very funny

>I do not like this wall, Charlie. Its smug laughing face mocks me.

Is this that absolver game?Looks okay even if they just reused all the assets

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Im playing it right now, its not that buttfucking hard unless you are expecting to mash your way to victory

>Journalists are bad at a game
This is how you know you're in for a good video game

>Journo finds game too hard
Holy shit, is the GOTY releasing already?

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Check their party babies review quick


Couldn't find one but they have crypto as one of their 6 main sections of the site

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