Switch reaches 103.54m sales, outselling Wii and PS1

>Switch reaches 103.54m sales, outselling Wii and PS1

What went so right with Switch after the Wii U?

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it's an actual handheld. the wii u being tethered to your house was too limiting and nintendo handhelds always do well.

also the marketing for Switch is infinitely better than the Wii U's.
most people thought it was just an addition to the regular wii or something. the ads and marketing were unclear as fuck. Switch really nailed it though, and it's gimmick is really fucking cool.

It's a handheld. If it was another home console it would have failed cause Nintendo sucks at supporting them

Can't wait till it surpass the PS4, that day will be filled with cope and seething

Exclusive games with biggest IP's in the world (Mario, Zelda, Pokemon)
Draconian enforcement of DRM
Being the only handheld in the market
Also, can't imagine that this is a point - but being actually fucking available for purchase

Gaming has become a normie hobby.

I got this for bayo 3 + metroid prime and they still aren't out

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all the games are on one console now instead a split between wii/ds and pii u /3ds

normal controller

>Switch nearing the end of it's life cycle
>Still nothing to the PS2
Sony like such fat shit now and for the last decade but you'll always be number 2.

good system
gimmick is actually useful and good for once
good games

Wii U was essentially a fairly expensive prototype run for the Switch. Also, Japan just loves handhelds so making a console that can also work well as a handheld was a pretty good move.

Xbox don't have exclusive japanese games and playstation which is now in burger woke hands is worse than shit, no wonder that company that still make games just for their hardware sell best.

>the wii u being tethered to your house was too limiting

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Wii U was 360 released 7 years later.
Switch is portable 360 (minus multiplats lmao)

I don't get it, is it or isn't it the best selling one?

Switch is a neat little console.

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I think it's the best console of the current gen, but the answer is advertising.
The thing that sells consoles is a good marketing campaign.
Look at the ps4. Honestly, it's a multiplat box at best, but it's sold crazy well. Is it because it's got games? Fuck no, most definitely not. It's because it's advertising budget was absolutely massive and it was fucking everywhere. You couldn't go outside without seeing a fucking ps4 ad somewhere.
Wii U's advertising was minimal and a fucking disaster. Nobody knew what the hell the thing was. It had a fucking great library and that did nothing to move units.
Switch comes along and while it's had some good exclusives, it's mostly just the Wii U's library all over again, yet it outsold the Wii U's lifetime sales in under a year. Why?
Because the ads are fucking perfect for a console. They've got that Switch click noise, a recognisable logo and ads that demonstrate what it is and what games are on it.
Remember the 360? Why did it sell so well when most of the games were on the ps3 anyways? Because sony dropped the ball hard on the ps3. Everything they did was the wrong decision and microsoft leapt at that. They threw all their money into making sure every ad break on tv had a 360 ad with that "Jump In" tagline and it sold great. The Wii still dominated it, because it's ads were better. It's games were also better, but that has little to do with sales.
The thing that sells consoles is advertising.

>I-i-it's a handheld! They a-always sell!
>Vita bombs
>T-t-then it's a Nintendo handheld! T-t-they always sell!
>3DS in 9 years sells 25 million less than Switch in 5
Are your minds really this clouded with incoherent rage over some toy's success?

The successor might as well be Switch 2. I will be surprised if they don't do that. I was actually thinking of getting one yesterday actually but only reason I held back is because I am not sure how much I'd play it or any console for that matter since i don't even play games no more.


>handheld and home console in one
>good 3rd party support
>even better 1st party support
Wii U had virtually no 3rd party support and Nintendo didn't put out a new Mario or Zelda game. Based Iwata saved Nintendo right after he almost killed Nintendo