What does Any Forums think of Destiny 2? I haven't played the franchise but it seems to be very popular

What does Any Forums think of Destiny 2? I haven't played the franchise but it seems to be very popular.

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It's going to become Sony's Star Wars.

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it's the definition of ocean wide puddle skinnerbox cancer

I tried it about a year ago and while the gameplay was solid there was no coherent storyline to tie everything together. Halo despite its shortcomings at least had a solid narrative that kept the player engaged.

Awful. Terrible. Piece of shit. Infuriates me to the point of tears. I have played it since release and will continue to do so.

the last year is actually where they improved on story but i agree it needs to be better. the lore is incredible but so little of it makes it to gameplay

as someone that stopped playing it 2 years ago this game is nothing but dailies and boring as fuck gameplay loops.

It's my favorite fps game this gen. Both mechanically and visually it's amazing. The pricing model is disgusting though.

I find it way too complicated. You pretty much only learn to play the game if someone else teaches you.

now more than ever since year 1 campaigns are gone and year 2 campaign is about to be gone

Writing is terrible. Script is even worse. If you love marvel movie quips at every cut scene then you will think this is high art.
In reality it's boring. Guns are boring. PvP is unbalanced and unfun with no sbmm. The main story is short and not fun.
The company is just dead. It's kicked out everyone who had a hand in what made halo great. Now it's just people hanging on to the brand name.
Oh and if you decide to play it enjoy seeing retarded guns like every sniper rifle having both a fully auto bolt AND a manual bolt action at the same time on either side of the gun lol.
It's boring. Enemies are bullet sponges. Community is dogshit retards that make scam citizens blush.
Save your time and money, play genshin impact instead.

Destiny 2's guns probably feel the best out of any first person shooter ever.

>Writing is terrible. Script is even worse. If you love marvel movie quips at every cut scene then you will think this is high art.
they cut that shit out a couple of years ago

Gunplay is still best in the industry, new exotics this year have been very good, but the content we get delivered every season is honestly depressing.
All I want is more raids, but they're so fucking slow to deliver on that, so instead we get essentially a new reskin of a wave defence that we need to do ad nauseum every fucking season.

Also it's networking, while still dodgy, is far better than most other games.
Fun with friends, not great alone, not anywhere near as good as Bungie's Halo was.
Fuck sony.

Destiny has probably the most solid FPS mechanics but everything around it is so shit it's not worth getting into it.
Just save your time and money and dont get into it.

My friend just started it yesterday and he's having a lot of fun with it, I'm actually surprised. He says he has no idea what the fuck is going on with the story, but he's gonna watch lore videos to catch up.

What the hell am I supposed to do when starting off? Just do Gambits/Strikes/PvP to gear up or what?

I kinda agree. The base engine is rock solid. Great fps mechanics, good enemy design and generally great gameplay, but the content we get delivered is pretty lackluster.
Which makes sense when you think about it, all the good devs built out the engine and core gameplay, now they've all been replaced with diversity hires and other fags and the newer content is simplistic repetitive trash.

tell him i said good luck with that.

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>sound terrible
>terribly designed and shit looking
>even d1 guns looked better
>bullet sponge enemies so you just hold down the trigger and hold it on the head for 30 seconds before moving on
Lmaoing at your life.
Fuck off no they didn't. Also fuck this mara sov shit it's boring as fuck. Osiris is actually savathun? Fuck off its retarded. Oh but hey Osiris is actually straight now. I can't wait for all the tranny characters and LGBT shit for the next expansion. It looks terrible as fuck. But hey I bet there will be more marvel quips from zavala and whatever comic relief they bring out for witch queen. Fuck off. Fucking "that was years ago" fucking moron.

Yeah it's fun for quite a while, then the grind sets in and it becomes a chore. I'm still playing and it's generally fun with friends.
Best way to play is to play for a while, grind for a bit, then put it down for a month or so, then come back and catch up to what you missed.

art and music teams are still top notch

Pretty much, the people maintaining the game have no clue what they're doing and they're spinning their wheels trying to fix things that arent broken while promising that they'll do this and that to improve the game for at least a decade now with nothing changed.

Everytime they'll make a decision that anyone can see is retarded and then they'll do it and revert back once it fails over and over again. Current Bungie is probably the most incompetent studio and there's no doubt there's no more talent left in that whole company.

this boy is throwing a tantrum

Also this doesn't cover everything.
But it starts really far back in the lore, I think the present day of 2014 is like 1hr at least through the vid, then the D1 story picks up at like 2hrs.
Also mynameisbyf's voice is fucking awful and the bits where he tries to insert HELLA COOL SCIFI LINE from the game is giga cringe.
It's a shame he's the biggest lore poster on youtube