What does Any Forums think of Heavy Rain?

What does Any Forums think of Heavy Rain?

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Retarded twist. Some kino moments.

>Many plot threads go unresolved because they involve story elements that were cut from the final product.
This is based and more games should do it. Not everything should be wrapped up in a neat little bow.

A huge lack of Madison porn on the game.

weren't they all gonna be dlc or something?

mediocre but memorable. SOVL

I love it. Cage is one of the few game directors that’s actually based but Any Forums hates because
>muh movie games
>meanwhile they just tranny pedo visual novel #876

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Really dumb but somehow I had a good time playing it.

There's "story elements that don't get a conclusion" and then there's "plot element that makes no sense whatsoever"
They should have just cut out the part where Ethan wakes up and has an origami figure in his hand

so bad it's good. cage is a fucking clown

One of the "better" David Cage games.

As in, only kinda stupid. Mostly near the end. But make no mistake, the twist is still VERY stupid.

Fuck you bitches, it's my game and I could do whatever the fuck I wanted with it.

It is better for a twist to be obvious than for it to be unpredictably stupid. Prove me wrong.

retarded but enjoyable

Stop thinking like a consumer who wants to be "proven right". Start thinking like a creator instead. This will improve your outlook on media in general.


Probably my favorite Quantic Dream game. It's a close call between it and Fahrenheit.

Shelby being the killer was stupid. He's chasing himself for...?

You are a consumer of media, not a creator, retard.

Not him but are you literally admitting that you’re a braindead consumer? Thinking from the perspective of an artist opens your mind to much greater appreciation of creations. You can see what that they’re trying to say about themselves and the world around them instead of strictly judging something by how much dopamine and gratification it gives you.

Awful controls. I burned the woman alive because of it. But it was good.

its fine, i thought it was one of his better disasters. i don't think he will ever top detroit though.

Alibi. And he gets money for doing it.

I stopped playing as soon as the retarded child runs out of the mall for unexplained reasons and get hits by a car. I have 0 tolerance for terrible writing. Watched a LP of the rest of it and the stupidity and awfulness did not stop there.

I can't quantify how much I hate Madison in this game

I wish you could get her killed as early as you can get Kara killed in Detroit