What is the most flavour of the month vidya ever released? Is it pic related? Amogus?

What is the most flavour of the month vidya ever released? Is it pic related? Amogus?

Attached: fall guys.jpg (1089x613, 97.32K)

every new live service game that drops each month

new world seems like its up there

That one definitely. Among Us survived longer.

Pretty much every MP game is FOTM now.

everyone forgot nintendo cardboard the moment it released

Nickelodeon all stars brawl

I'm still playing it with a friend.

Pretty much.
The best question is what was the last MP game that wasn't a FOTM
I think it was Rocket League or Fortnite.

this i think. people change to new online multiplayer thing very fast. no more they play same thing for years

Friday night funkin without mods

>Rocket League
>not FOTM

Flappy Bird

Everyone thought Fortnite would die but its still alive while all of these games are dead af.

Fall Guys and amogus were good FOTM though. Just straight up fun ass video games with no fluff.

That shit didnt even last a month lol

Attached: 1568410646516.jpg (1200x1200, 138.24K)

Yes but these are often part of an annual series and have a lifetime of a year, unless they're a really bad entry. Sure the player base tapers off, but they usually have enough loyal fans playing it for a while. Fall Guys, Among Us and New World as another user mentioned - these games massively shot up in popularity and then died within a month or two. New world had so much hype and no one give a shit about it at all now

New World wasn't terrible for $40 either but it requires friends if you want to do fun open world pvp stuff. There should have been an in game mechanic to pair people up that doesn't involve actual communication so those autistic losers could start playing together too.


Apex legends stays relevant for 3 years already. How do you cope with that?

fall guys got abandoned which is a mild shame since it could have been good
amogus is still (kind of) popular

Fall Guys is good tho