Why is the PS5 so divisive?

Why is the PS5 so divisive?

Attached: alanah-pearce.jpg (1280x720, 88.69K)

no games

Why is Alanah not my wife?

Why does she have such shit tier feet?

So many cocks up her arse bros...
I'm talking in at least the hundreds

I prefer Elyse

Attached: Elyse.jpg (960x1200, 206.28K)

I got a handy from Alanah in a Bunnings carpark back in 2011

>tattooed eyebrows
What happens when that type of shaped eyebrow goes out of style?

That's a man

Did either of them ever comment on Adam Kovic jerking off on their keyboards/desks and coming to work with buttplugs in his ass/??

Attached: ice piss.png (300x300, 120.83K)

The fact it has no new games except a shitty action game starring hillary clinton and yet another ratchet clank may have something to do with it.

I don't think so, Lawrence and that pajeet from iZombie were the most vocal about Adam's wacky office antics, I don't think them or Bruce really said anything

Any sauce to what Lawrence said?

It's not. Any Forums seething like always when it comes to sony doesn't mean is divisive at all

The only thing wrong with it are no gaems(will go away with time), stupid base price, stock shortage and insane scalpers

Holy shit. I thought she was wearing a mask for a second. Am I extremely sleep deprived, or do any of you guys see it?

Anons will deny it, but this is a site with a large population of weebs and PS betrayed the weeb audience.

No games. Not even memeing.

>The only thing wrong with it are no gaems(will go away with time)
When? It's been out for over a year and so far it has 2 exclusives, neither of which anyone cares about. As far as I'm aware the only other games they have announced are GoW2 and Horizon2. God of war was decently popular but nothing mind blowing and Horizon was a generic open world game no one cared about. Where's Bloodborne 2? Where is any kind of system seller?

Ugly controller
Ugly console
No games

Nothing about the PS5 was thought through that they've already modified the internals before making a new model. Think about that. Also virgins complained about Nintendo relying on gimmick controllers yet the DualSense is the most pointless gimmick we've had so far with features that no dev wants to touch.

It's just a simple situation that Nintendo started 8th gen with Wii U which rushed Microsoft and Sony to release a competitor, and they started 9th gen with Switch which forced the other two to rush a console again. Cleaner Microsoft was well prepared this time. Simple box with good cooling and noise and just slightly modify the controller. Sony rebuilt everything from the ground up and rushed it out and it shows.

Literally no games.

because like with intel/nvidia vs. amd/radeon the people who cant afford the better option tend to seeth loudly and often and this inevitably annoys people and causes beef

There has legitimately never been a console with less exclusives in its first year. This isn't even shitposting, it's a fact. I just looked it up and there are apparently only 4 exclusive new games total so far. Of those games, one is a tech demo. No, I'm not shitting you.

Like that hasn't been the case at every console release.

PS2 still has the absolute best launch line up.