I just saw user vent.

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I saw user licking another anons butt!

Still have yet to play this even once.

I feel like I missed out on a whole era after watching some animations on youtube.

Amoung Pequeño

Fucking red is a lying retard.
Red calling sus on people for no raisen makes red sus
It's okay

Uuummmm user, it is awfully sus to accuse someone of venting.
The lady doth protests too much methinks.

Yeah, I'm the Engineer, I can do that.

not sure if clever pun joke

I turned off roles, faggot. Nice try.

It was AOC

I wish the user who posted this was my friend

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You're not even the host, stfu

I tried it a little bit, it's only fun if you have a group of friends to play with that actually halfway try

>I didn't, but vote me out anyways. Then vote red when you see that I am not the imposter

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>I feel like I missed out on a whole era after watching some animations on youtube.
lmao are you 12 years old? Word of advice, miss everything in the zoomer era and forge your own path.

frfr everyone itt can deadass fuck themselves in their bussin ass

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What does it mean to "vent"? Am I venting right now? Am I the user that vented?

I vented up ur mums pussy niggaaaAAAAAAAA

it was not me i did not kill him i did not

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This will be a nostalgia thread in 10 years.