Did GTA IV filter you Any Forums?

Did GTA IV filter you Any Forums?

Attached: IV Chad.jpg (1200x776, 170.75K)

Why did they not have fingerless gloves in the game?

nah, i beat it but i much prefer vice city

I dont play normalfag games so I guess it technically did.

no it was incredible, so way gay tony. the lost and the damned would have been better than tony if it wasn't for the fucking bus and prison missions

This is a perfect thread to ask this question. In the final mission of gta4 did anyone else experience a camera glitch when entering a helicopter? It happened to me on pc every fucking time. I tried reinstalling the game ,but it didnt work. I would get into the helicopter and camera would just go sideways making it extremely hard to control the helicopter. In the end I could never finish the game due to that bug so I had to watch the ending on youtube.

>the Fallout 3 spamfag is trying to ruin IV too
Fuck you faggot

GTA V filtered me.

technology limitations, please understand

They didn’t want an extra meter clogging up the screen


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No it's my favorite game

Attached: gta iv niko.jpg (500x500, 45.82K)

Honestly that shit is like 60 hours long and I had to force myself to finish it.

But you can just ram the cops with the bus.

San Andreas was the last good one. The shitty unresponsive controls and boring cheats in IV really removed a lot of the fun potential

Frame limit bug most likely

had this issue, can be fixed
i had to do something on task manager or some other windows utility
something about the cpu speed? or maybe number of cores?
if you search for a while you'll find what im talking about

/qa/ lost to trannies

Yes, the intro cinematic was so bad that I stopped playing immediately.

No but I didn't like it until BoGT injected some life into liberty city. GTA4 in comparison to SA and VC was like RDR2 compared to RDRevolver. Too much focus on drab realism. It was impressive for its time and still has great little details but as a game it was much less gamey than its predecessors.

I dont really care to go back to finish it because the last time I played the game was in 2013

Game is shit.
>entire map is all just one giant city with little variety outside of skyscrapers and apartment blocks, so driving gets boring quick
>police are completely braindead and worthless
>everything is brown, gray, and gritty
>MC is a spineless pushover cuck
>almost every character is unlikable
>extremely, extremely repetitive mission structure
>every single mission devolves into drive here, mow down a ton of people
>later missions rarely even involve NPCs in the car and at a certain point, every mission is just an all-out firefight; the game is scared to let you have just one mission that doesn't involve mindlessly mowing down mobs of goons
>no checkpoints so must restart from beginning if you die or step one toe out of line
>gunplay is absolute garbage. With controller, cursor moves very fast vertically/horizontally, but at any angle at all it moves very slow, which leads to very janky aiming. There is a regular zoom-in when free aiming, but lock-on inexplicably zooms the camera in way more, but yet is completely worthless since enemies just stay behind cover. Even when an enemy is right on top of you, half the time, the lock-on will twist you to an enemy fifty feet away instead of the enemy right on top of you. Free aiming and just popping headshots completely trivializes the combat.
>movement feels extremely slow and clunky
>every car from sports car to an armored truck drives like a damn barge, and yet will flip on a dime to even something like a cyclist
>have to restock health and buy armor between every mission by the halfway point because every mission becomes a massive gunfight
>NPC companions rush in like retards and can die, forcing you to just run head-first into a huge mob of enemies
>frequently enemies you are chasing will have plot armor where you are meant to just go on some scripted bullshit chase before you can actually kill them, and there is no way to tell they have plot armor besides just shooting them a ton and they never die.

No. How would it?