Why don’t we have a thread tonight bros?

Why don’t we have a thread tonight bros?



I’m 7 hours in and loving it playing on Xbox one X with little to no bugs so far.

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Come on faggots, let me know what you think of the goty before I rape your fucking mom in the ass and suck her tits in front of your dad.

My parents got a divorce and now my mom is dead

Alright, I’ll fuck you in the ass in front of your dad. Now let’s hear your take.

And suck on your tits.

Bitch tits faggot.

Why is Denuvo a "bad" thing? I know it affected performance for some games, but doesn't seem to be the case with DL..

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It means the devs would rather spend time and money on DRM that does nothing but hurt legit users while earning them just about zero more sales, rather than spend that time and money on the actual game.

Because is the forbidden door that I fucked your mom in last night.

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How is it hurting users? Legit asking
And it absolutely got them more sales. It's hyped as fuck game -surely portion of users pulled the trigger just because they couldn't pirate it day1, especially after all the 7/10 reviews.

>more parkour moves
>combat's not fun like in the first game
>nights are too bright and the hud telling you enemie directions ruins it

My only real issue with the game so far is the melee combat is just flat out worse, I don't know why they didn't just copy/paste it from the first, the zombies and attacks have no weight to them, really unfortunate, the movement still feels just as good though

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I see the shills had a meeting about "fitting in"

Nights are pretty damn dark, especially with RT on - I have no issues with that. It's nearly unplayable without flashlight.

My biggest gripe is awfully uninspired armor stats. Just bunch of fractional percentages, instead of unique stats. yuk

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>people unironically defending DRM on this board

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Stats are shit but it was a nice surprise for me to even see an armor system at all.

Games pretty fun so far, very different to the first game though. I recommend turning off enemy health bars for better immersion.

Shill thread

its pretty fun, runs smooth on 1660s
plot is dogshit,tho

>Nights are pretty damn dark
screenshot or didn't happen, I don't have rtx on but it looks just as bright in the trailers.
>My biggest gripe is awfully uninspired armor stats
and the butchered combat doesn't?

I'm not defending it. I'm just bewildered as why people are against it..
And I'm yet to get an answer.

I’m gonna nose ride your fucking cunt till you piss blood faggot.

The shill-squad marketing for this game is so fucking blatant it's untenable.

I fucking hate the hud so much in this game, the more information the hud's giving me the more dissconnected I feel from the game itself
>points at zombies during chases
>that "chase" beeing plastered on the middle of the screem
>the game telling me howler locations
>that pointless hitmark
>that white spots on the sides of your screen when an enemie is nearby
allmost feels like I'm playing an mmo

>come to Any Forums to see what people are saying about DL2
>relentless hate and derision
Well that explains why I'm having so much fun with it.

I too, personally, enjoyed Dying Light 2: Stay Human™, a fine handcrafted high quality videogaming experience I bought on Steam

hud is like the most customizable thing in the game

can't you disable some of it?

It the biggest vidya release of the year so far. And this is a video game board.

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guys stop talking about the game that came out together, how about another souls thread eh friends?

haha you and me both, anonymous! I also preordered the Deluxe Edition for those SWELL bonuses! Best game ever!!

Eh it's really not. You can change like 5 things in settings. Very limited

Wrong, this is a hating on videogames that you've never played board.

You lose framerate per seconds

There's been a few people autistically shitting on it and the first one even before it came out. Not sure what fuels it

what if the mom is ugly

all the things I mentioned can't be turned off, even checked for it in the documents folder

In very rare cases. DL2 runs great though.

Yes I do enjoy *insert generic AAA game here* quite a lot. It got great reviews from *insert generic gaming media outlet here* and *insert random youtube shill here* and you should definitely buy it

>It the biggest vidya release of the year so far.
It's totally organic that there's 5-10 threads up positively speaking about this game every day since the reviews about how bugged to shit it is dropped and DENUVO was abruptly added literally 30 hours before release.

Blindly hating something is equally as bad as blindly supporting something. At the end of the day you're not applying any critical thought to it

>I know it affected performance for some games
I don't really hold any horse in the race of Denuvo but I do know half the time faggots complain about Denuvo-related problems it doesn't have to do with Denuvo at all, just shitty dev incompetence.

cause it's a downgrade of the first game in many fields

It's buggy, boring, runs like shit, looks like shit, it's remember me but in 2022, "press Q to use your detective vision!" walking and grabbing shit simulator.

9/10 masterpiece, biggest vidya release of the year!!! (ˢᵒ ᶠᵃʳ)

>Literally millions of people browse the board
>thinks 5-10 threads on release week of a game is a lot/unusual

dying light is not an rpg. if anything complain that those "detailed" stats are in there at all

Those people also shit on the first one

No, it isn't. What's unusual is how they've primarily positive when the game is this buggy and lacking promised content.

why did they decide to add all of these rpg mechanics anyway?
dying light is an action game

This dyke was the worst character in the Following by far.

How do I become a shill? I'm a neet and mommy is getting annoying, I could use some bucks to spam the board praising this game.

I saw a streamer play it. She found it so boring that she quit in under 2 hours and bought and played Ghostrunner instead.

>denuvo shills in all the DL2 threads

>Those people
you can see legit critisim in every thread

>positively speaking
How about you read this thread. Most people talking about flaws they don't like.

>how bugged to shit it is
If you played it you'd know that's not true.

>DENUVO was abruptly added literally 30 hours before release.
Asking for 5th time already. Why is this a bad thing? Can someone give me a goddamn reasonable answer? So far it looks like it's just another brainless zoomer hate-train I'm supposed to accept without questioning

>it's okay because it's only a little bad
it's entirely avoidable