What's about Postal 2 that makes it so memorable?

What's about Postal 2 that makes it so memorable?

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The fact that you have to play it instead of watch it.

They unintentionally made the best immersive sim there is.

The game has a really cool way of making the player act out by making the pacifist options extremely boring. As a result the gameplay feels more fun than it would have been if the choice didn't exist. The violence also feels more impactful because of this. There are games that are more gory and brutal than Postal 2 but you rarely are aware of the brutality in these games because they give you no choice.

Funny enough, Postal 2 is unironically one of games that handlelds the karma system the best without even trying

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Regretting nothing.

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For me it was the fire physics, few (any?) games had it and all of the environments were "normal" - stores, houses, etc.

Is Postal 4 worth it?

A lot of Postal 2 reminds me of Xavier Renegade Angel.

I am asking the same. I prefer to play the game when's finished by co op online sounds juicy

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Because ids a gud gaem.

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I replayed it after 12 years or so of not touching this game.
idk, I remember almost everything about the game; piling up bodies on the street and then set them on fire was fun... but idk - as you grow up, you realize how much tasteless this kind of games are, and that poop/edgy jokes shouldn't qualify them as being quality games.
Also, game seems like a product of its time - back when everything was still edgy - and now we're more culturally aware, but also more softer than ever. Weird feeling playing through the game all around

No game before it or after offers the experience it does. I barely played it before, a couple times at a friend's house back in the early 2000s. But even that little bit has stuck with me, same as running a hooker over with a firetruck in Vice City made be go "WHOOOOOAAA" as an 11yr old.

Sounds like you grew up to be a faggot.

Sorry that I stopped being a teen sociopath/psychopath

It's not me you have to apologize to. It's your dad for being such a faggot of a son.

ok rws faggot who tried hard to shill your stuff during gg

if the edgy poopoopeepee humor was the main appeal for you then maybe the problem is you're a retard

get your hormone levels checked, i'm serious

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thank you for confirming that you are in fact a retard

The game can be completed without killing anyone, and if you did, then that's on you and not the game itself. The game was made with that in mind, and you completely missed it.
The real sociopath is you, the fact that you're trying to sound more mature than others on a board inhabited entire by manchildren only gives more evidence to your sociopathy, you picked some awfully easy targets, and an awfully easy topic to write off as irrelevant, just to make yourself look superior.
I suggest you get therapy, either that or you have more growing up to do and you just didn't realize it.

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I was 12 when I first time played it. The game never gives you a hint that you can finish the game non-hostile - and most of us in our early adolescent were content with just fucking around and just killing for the sake of killing.
Stop trying to gaslight me faggot

and then you played it twelve years later and still played like a twelve year old?

Also the vocal minority of manchilds does not represent 4channel, you know... a site that's been mainstream for almost a decade now

it's the best immersive sim ever made

I regret (everything) for touching this pile of shit game again, yes. Wanting to play this stealthy on harder difficulty is for masochists. No thanks, bro.


>people actually come to Any Forums to show off how mature they are
That's honestly really fucking pathetic.

the school mod for postal 2 is pretty fun

this further confirms your profound mental retardation