Demon's Souless

>game is already dead

What happened?

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It was released on ps5.

It was pretty active when I played a month or so ago.

of course it was pal

it's literally the same game as the original, just with new graphics
what the fuck did you expect, people already played the shit out of it 20 years ago

people who actually care didn't buy it because it's a soulless cashgrab, bandwagoners moved on.

>release uglier version of PS3 game
>expect people to care

Care bears did

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It was. I got like 5 or 6 Old Monk hats just fucking around.

This was the biggest meltdown I've seen in recent times and it's fucked up that this biased site tries so hard to forget about it because it's the anti SNOY thing to do
That one hour where every Any Forumstard was parading and letting out a scream of combined relief/fury for FINALLY getting back at snoy, only for it to be decomfirmed and going back to the "n-no games, it doesn't count!!" old formula was delicious

Still playing the original

Yeah, Steamies truly are pathetic as fuck.

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I dont give a shit about consolewars and have owned every playstation console, still not buying demon's souls demake.

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>poor ethiopian got skincare

Just finished a Dragon Bone Smasher run last week, had a great time

Youre retarded

Just started the game a few days ago. Why did nobody tell me its so much better than DS3?

it still is, at least more active than bloodborne

>people who actually care didn't buy it because it's a soulless cashgrab, bandwagoners moved on.

I can't find a fucking PS5, that's why

it's ok to poor, it's not ok to have an opinion without trying things, you are a fucking retard and i really hope your life is shit.

>needing to play a reskin of a video game I already own to judge purely visual changes

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