I think Majora's Mask is the premier example of a great game but not a great Zelda entry

i think Majora's Mask is the premier example of a great game but not a great Zelda entry

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I think your dick is a premiere example of a small organ but not a great penis

that isn't what yo momma said

Calling something a great game but not a great ____ game is such an empty comment

He's cute.

it says a lot with a little, you need to possess the ability to infer information from what is displayed, you're supposed to be taught this in school..

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Majora was a pretty neat villain.

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The happy mask salesman is an avatar if Miyamoto

>good game but not a good _____ game
Either its good or it isn't.
Its a great game and a great Zelda game

No, fuck off, this means nothing. It feels like a Zelda game, it plays like a Zelda game, and it's good, what the fuck are you even trying to claim. What does any version of this fucking statement MEAN.

no, there's better Zelda games

>It feels like a Zelda game
it factually doesn't, who are you trying to kid

>It's a good game, just not a good *xyz* game!"
Go back to youtube zoomie faggot

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It's as much of an aesthetic/narrative departure as OoT is from Zelda 1, or TP from Wind Waker, or either of the gamecube games from either of the N64 games, the mainline Zelda games constantly fuck around with this kind of stuff. As far as I see it, the only through-line of the series is having a young underdog protagonist, a fantasy setting, and big scary monsters.

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>TP from Wind Waker
wind waker is also a bad zelda

it's not the best in the series but it's my favorite

Saying that MM doesn't feel like OoT is like saying Oracle of Ages doesn't feel like Link's Awakening just because of the time mechanic, or that Seasons doesn't feel like it for the same reason. The only core difference between MM and OoT is the groundhog day mechanic and the fact that it actually throws you directly into the game loop instead of forcing you to fart around for a couple of hours just to get basic tools, but otherwise everything else is functionally exactly the same.

If you have to disqualify several mainline entries do you think maybe you're defining something more specific than "Zelda game"

Please stop.

What about it?

You are right, it is not a great Zelda entry. It is the greatest Zelda entry.

I think the OP is a great example of a shit post but not a great post.