Sony Wants to Help Bungie Turn Its Franchises Into Movies

That $3.6 billion wasn't just for a single game, looks like Sony wants to turn Destiny into a multimedia juggernaut franchise.

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you must have played for more than 2k hours before posting in this thread

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They're really gonna spend billions pumping up Destiny to compete with Star Wars aren't they?

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>Sony buys Bungie
>first thing they announce is how they want fucking movies

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Casual fucker
I had 5k in wow back in 2010



This is no surprise at all. Bungie has been wanting to go multimedia for a while now. That's why Luke Smith got promoted to being head of the entire Destiny franchise instead of just the head of the game. It's been in the works for a while.

If Sony wants to compete with The Mandalorian, they had better make a show centered around Cayde-6. He deserves it.

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why don't they just buy out kojima?

So thats why, actually makes sense now.

I have played 2k+ hours in FF14 and SIms
Can I posting?

No kidding. That's the only kind of software on Playstation.

Honestly Kojima does fit right in with the sony brand. He's probably one of few japs that would do it.

Isn't he already partnered with Sony?

You can't make this shit up. Makes me chuckle.

you can't fucking buy a human person user

>Its Franchises
>Franchises (1)

Doesn't Bungie still own the Marathon IP?

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Marathon and Pathways into Darkness would unironically be good choices for media other than games but they are worthless IPs compared to Destiny so they're definitely not going to do anything with them after spending 4 billion on them.

>Cayde-6 show
>produced by Sony
>compete with Mandalorian
You know what, you're right, he does deserve it.

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not with that attitude

The game's story is also fairly standard fare, a mixture of classic sci-fi tropes that we've seen time and again in films like Alien or The Terminator (the latter was even referenced during the opening sequence) as well as more modern ideas such as those found within movies like Avatar and District 9.
It starts out quite nicely with some interesting twists around its main character, Commander John Marston who you play throughout the entire campaign; it then falls flat when he gets his hands back on an assault rifle at the start of the third act which allows him to become somewhat overpowered due to having two guns instead

The Destiny lore is actually interesting and could make for a good TV show in the right hands. But it's Sony so lel

>They bought Bungie just to make movies

>first thing sony thinks of when getting Bungie is to make movies
the absolute state of snoys