Xbros, we won!

Xbros, we won!

Attached: 1643939035066.jpg (1368x2048, 222.13K)

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something tells me this screenshot is edited

What does

post link retard

why does the xbox logo look like a watermelon

I hate nigger worshipping, but I love niggers. Where should I move to? Canadian btw


Why are they treating people differently based on race?
That is against Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream.

>It's fake dude!
Seeing their track records, I doubt it.

Attached: Sony.png (597x1294, 170.37K)

Attached: gg7zle8q93m31.jpg (720x349, 19.11K)

>Any Forumschudcels will fall for this

forgot to mention cutting the hands off children

Fun Fact: Literally 100% of people who claim to have issue with countries colonizing and building in Africa in order to use it for resources, ALSO believe that the colonizers should have built more and better things and then spent more time teaching the Africans to use and maintain it.

They believe it was evil to settle there and build, but also that more should have been built and give for free to the Africans to allow them to have modern cities to live in.

Fuck it sucks that whites propelled every other country in the world to heights unknown and then get hunted for it after the jews feminized us god damn it

Attached: gino-digiannantonio-have-you-been-brushing-twice-a-day-nigga-16289856.png (500x300, 26.45K)

how much do you wanna bet that these CMs are as white as the snow

Stop acting like whites were benevolent, good natured people. They went there to pillage. Nothing more, nothing less. People live to always use the railroad meme. Any infrastructure built was for use by whites only. Then they pumped and dumped and left.

Whites never actually cared about natives. Not even once

>They went there to pillage.
A monkey sitting on a pile of diamonds does not "own" that pile of diamonds, especially if the monkey is literally incapable of comprehending how to convert those diamonds into value.

Blacks are the monkey in this analogy. And in real life.

If they just went there to pillage, they wouldn't have built so much.

I made the snoy screenshot myself.
I literally screenshotted them from Twitter and put them together in Photoshop. They are real.
Incase you need a reminder as to how these companies work, this is on Xbox's Youtube.

Attached: Xbox.png (733x940, 478.11K)

post your jaw

OK, so why did they bother to not only leave survivors, but leave entire villages (that they modernized, to boot)? Why, too, are whites the only ones chastised for this--even whites who had nothing to do with any of it, like 60% of Europe--when other countries were doing the same shit at the exact same time, and even today? It's because you're being fed a narrative. That, or it's old fashioned ressentiment.

I never said that blacks “owned” anything. Not sure why you’re using quotes. Literally what are you quoting?
My point still stands that whites never had any good intentions. So people who use the “we helped them” meme are liars and are spinning the truth. Doesn’t matter if blacks sat on their ass all day, if the chinks came to America right now and started drilling for resources, you wouldn’t be too happy.

They needed to build shit so they could get the resources that they wanted. Are you stupid? You need infrastructure if you’re gonna take on a massive undertaking. Like taking an entire continents resources. The infrastructure they built wasn’t meant for the natives. It was meant for use by Europeans.
They’re weren’t there on a genociding mission. Their goal wasn’t to kill entire villages of blacks. They went for the resources. Whether blacks survived or not was not of their concern

"I have a dream" isn't the only speech he had.

>So people who use the “we helped them” meme are liars and are spinning the truth
You realize both can be true, right? We colonized them for their resources AND we helped them by building actual structures and cities and infrastructure, things which Blacks would literally never create in a billion years.

Just because it wasn't a benevolent mission doesn't mean it didn't help them.

It's funny that there was no infrastructure, isn't it? like, maybe the natives didn't deserve resources they didn't even have the means of taking for themselves in the first place? Why would they? They couldn't do anything with them. Did they deserve to be uplifted at no cost? Do you really truly believe that?

Find me an American vidya company that doesn't do this shit

I really don’t want to argue over whether people “deserve” resources or not. That’s up to interpretation. And to be honest I’m not even sure what you’re even asking.

Are you asking if I think that natives deserved to be invaded?