How does it work?

How does it work?

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it's steam powered. the steam shrinks the pokemon enough to fit in the ball.

What does the zipper unzip

I think the professor says that the Pokemon shrinks to fit in the ball, though he might just think that's how it works, what area of expertise does he specialize in?

the pokemon shrink on their own. when you defeat a wild pokemon without catching them and they faint, they shrink

>Minimize is a pokemon move
>Only some pokemon can learn it
>All pokemon can minimize at will and still not know the move


amogus ¡amogus!

Is the rocket engine also steam powered?

pokemon if he mario

By surprising or weakening them you can trigger a survival response with a ball. Once inside they can struggle to escape. If they succeed they break the ball and come out. If not a little firework on a set fuse gets off. Doesn't really explain why seemingly all accept you afterwards though.

He's got it all wrong. The ball actually makes the entire universe except for the Pokemon expand, until it has expanded enough that the Pokemon fits in the ball.

The professor conveniently omits the brainwashing part of being inside the ball.

Did Farnsworth invent the Pokeball?

Just fyi, this has been official Pokemon lore since Gen 1. It just never got translated.
The first Pokemon capture was a Primape who shrunk and got caught in a professor's glasses case.
It's even referenced in the anime. The professor in the original Slowpoke episode is that professor's great grandson.
There's a bunch of other lore like how eggs are actually made.

Literally would have made more sense for the non science based balls of the past to just work based off Arceus magic instead of the drudged up, "derr they all just shrink" meme from an old book.

They could have had himans trapping monsters in cages and a story with you building a bond between humans and mons and had your team ride around in a caravan or stay at a camp site, but that would have been too fitting and interesting.

All Pokemon have the natural ability to convert themselves into a digital-like file format, which can be stored inside special kinds of stones.

The pokeball exploits this natural trait, but the ancient people of arc legends dont seem to quite understand what is happening and just say they are "shrinking".

honestly this is very similar to a very old idea brought up in the anime which is probably just a coincidence

Attached: old pokeball.png (377x248, 59.9K)

I would honestly rather them say the pokeballs are just magic and leave it at that.


As an American, I'd live in a tiny ass ball if it was cheap enough.

but only a few can still fight while minimized, and that's the difference

Attached: minimize.png (160x144, 1.08K)

