
I didn't even like Undertale but I somehow fell in love with Deltarune? Does anyone else feel this way? Idek why I feel this way, but I just do.

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chapter 3 when

t. Toby Fox

No, I liked Undertale
I'm more interested in where Deltarune might be going though, Undertale was good and all but it was one and done for me, never got the protracted obsession people have with it

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Im sort of the opposite
I loved undertale and its probably one of my all time favorites, but deltarune just feels like its just doing as much as it can to get the fanbase excited instead of doing anything new or meaningful.
I feel like the new favorite characters like spamton and ralsei were written for the fandom to drool over instead of being written for the sake of the story. I still like it though, I just feel like undertale is more pure.

I guess that's what I'm feeling. Undertale is more just a little thing, but Deltarune has a big picture story. Especially since it came from an ending Toby dreamt up.

don't believe his lies.

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I like both but Deltarune rings truer for me. Any other episodic content and I'd hate it, but this feels more like I get to be a part of a prolonged experience.

Also just that Toby Fox has proven he knows how to write an ending that feels satisfying means I don't need to be worried about disappointment.

Tbh, I feel like Deltarune I just trying to separate the Undertale weirdo fans from the people who actually care.
Its not working tho lol

This right here. It rings truer and I feel the ending is gonna be epic. Just wish I knew what it was
If its something meta I fucking swear, Toby

It's the atmosphere and a solid commitment to take what were just meant to be goofy characters and actually trying to put them in a 'normal setting'

Funny you mention the atmosphere because, for as minimal as it is, the hometown feeling is so cozy. Doesn't even feel derivative of earthbound. Makes me think of Charlie Brown more than anything

Deltarune feels way more well written.
Undertale was great at foreshadowing and delivering pay offs but that was it. The dialogue a humor felt very flat imo.
I really liked Undertale but the characters in Deltarune feel way more developed and realised, also the humor is way better, Undertale just banked off being “quirky”.

I feel like Chapter 2 focused too hard on being goofy and non-threatening compared to Chapter 1. I wasn't expecting anything too dark and serious, that's not what Toby Fox is known for, but it really stood out to me that there wasn't a single character in Chapter 2 that feels threatening in the slightest.
Undertale had Asgore hyped up to be a huge threat the entire game, and Flowey was a great final boss designed to surprise the player. Chapter 1 of Deltarune had the King and Jevil. Even though neither of these characters had a lot of screentime, they weren't funny at all, only serious. There's nobody like that in Chapter 2. Berdly is a joke character, Queen is comedic relief from her first appearence, and Spamton is written to be at most depressing and relatable, not intimidating. You could argue Kris is supposed to be scary, but that's only if we choose to fuck things up, and we can choose to avoid that route entirely if we want to. Besides that the game seems to be hyping up Gaster pretty hard but that only goes so far when he hasn't actually shown up the story yet. I don't think there's anything wrong with the silly moments, that's pretty much the main appeal of the games for most people, but I just hope Toby balances them out with more serious shit in the future chapters.

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Holy shit this is it. Couldn't stand people praising Undertale's tumblr meme jokes as "good humor" so Deltarune threw me for a loop when I actually laughed at some moments

Makes sense considering Undertale was mostly a test for Toby Fox to prove to himself that he could finish games.

Meanwhile Deltarune is literally the game he's wanted to make since high school, after waking up from some weird fever dream about an ending to a not real game that affected him so much that he desperately wants to make the game that would lead to said ending.

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When you put it that way, Undertale's humor is meant to be purposely awful. The fact people liked it says a lot about the current state of comedy.

You want the ending? Here
The “pacifist” ending is what Ralsei wants, it turns everyone into stone in the dark world and light world effectively killing them (as a commentary on the true pacifist route having players stop playing to get their happy little ending), this ending is the one normally gotten through gameplay, just kill the titans and you win after they awake.

The second main ending is the Weird ending, you get your commanded group and take susie’s power of “choice” and thus kill the Titans and dark world, noelle takes over as the angel and chara reawakens from your actions, you can delete the world and move to the next after this.

The true true ending (yes, for real) requires you to defeat every secret boss for their dark shard, after doing so the bunker opens in chapter 7 (not the main dungeon but after leave that chapter’s location). Entering it will let you walk through the grave site of heroes(?) and find redacted trying to reform himself, redacted is gaster. The mystery man is a corrupted version of kardd and fights you in chapter 6. The entire true ending is Gaster explaining that you just had to go out of the way to find something deeper than the story given (a commentary on fnaf/dlc/etc games with secret hidden lore). He’ll fight you and be shot down by a gaster blaster you craft and use on him in the fight, after the connection is severed and kris starts talking to ralsei and Susie out loud with you only being able to watch, he (no longer they) tells them that he needs the souls to bring them over to undertale so frisk may exist, everyone goes to the last dungeon and fights asgore for the flowers (who can be killed if you’ve done “weird actions”). Susie absorbs the souls and takes them with her after killing the current angle, you get control again after sans uses his device to escape to undertale to meet Susie, she kills you and the world is shattered, leaving chara’s soul (the one you control)
Thanks toby


>You could argue Kris is supposed to be scary, but that's only if we choose to fuck things up, and we can choose to avoid that route entirely if we want to.
Personally that’s what I like about Deltarune. That way the game doesn’t force drama down your throat. If you want conflict, go out and create the conflict. The drama in Chapter 2 comes from shit you started that could have been avoided. That just makes the characters wonder “why? why are you doing this?”.
The fact that shit can get so ugly at any point creates this underlying tension for the player because you don’t want to see these character suffer, especially given that Kris has shown to be resistant and wants to break free of your control to do something, presumably something malicious.

Wtf are you talking about? Spamton alone has 40x more character than any Undertale character. Your stance doesn't even add up considering Deltarune has been in Toby's mind since before Undertale even came out.

nice fanfic

There are some genuinely clever moments but I wouldn’t call them “funny” just amusing.
“You are now blue” was probably the peak.

I doubt the meta stuff will get any better later but who knows
