These Chinese emulator briefcase boxes are actually kind of cool...

These Chinese emulator briefcase boxes are actually kind of cool. Is there any way I can buy one without paying $200 shipping to the USA?

Attached: Yinglucky-24-inch-3D-Pandora-Forrest-arcade-game-console-4237-in-1-Built-in-128G-RAM.jpg_Q90.jpg_.jpg (1000x1000, 137.35K)

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Move to China

no they aren't

I suppose the joysticks detach and store somehow. I've seen fight sticks with detachable joysticks.
I'd say the built in emulator board and software is pretty bad, but that could easily be replaced.

Attached: H225b0591a8d74834966510d5693ab95cx.jpg (1000x1000, 121.26K)

how does it close

How does it accommodate the sticks.

This is gay and retarded and I can assure you I play way more arcade shit than you.

Are you stupid just slam it shut and go

Wouldn't it be better to just get a cheap laptop?

how did you respond to a second before he posted it?

since when does aliexpress charge $200 for shipping

For some reason the JLF clone levers mounted without spacers bothers me more than the fact they can damage the screen when closing the damn thing

wow! lots of io

?? isn’t shipping from china to usa cheap? aliexpress has really cheap shipping to europe

24" is a pretty good screen size. Yeah, it isn't really suited to 4:3 content but that's still 19" when pillarboxed. That's plenty big enough for as close as you'd sit to the thing. Probably a lot of ghosting with the cheap screen but not a deal breaker for me.

You could probably replace the internals with a small motherboard and turn it into a proper computer with not a lot of effort.

Attached: H6acf69cca944471dbce080645e50f3bdt.jpg (1000x1000, 184.01K)

>11.5 kg
Heavy fuckin briefcase

>close case
>joysticks punch holes in the screen

This thread is some weird fucking advertisement huh

Something like this.
I don't think it has storage for the sticks when closed. You just put them in your pocket or backpack.
It doesn't take batteries either. It's strictly plug-in.

Attached: SANWA-JLFD-TP-8YT-PIECES__38946.1583249146.1280.1280.jpg (1024x1024, 179.04K)

everybody is asking themselves the same question when seeing the pic

Judging from video reviews this one is garbage

Oh yeah?
Well, I play EVEN MORE arcade shit than YOU and I SAY it's -pretty cool-.

There are some other similar products on aliexpress.

Attached: Hf70a171b079248f7a499665b78ffebfaX.jpg (1000x1000, 152.01K)

They are pretty easy to make if you are not retarded.

Probably but not as neat.

Attached: Hf70a171b079248f7a499665b78ffebfaX (1).jpg (1000x1000, 106.7K)

Fuck off Chinese bot this shit is trash and your gook ass survives off cooking sewer rats you faggot

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God this shit would be so uncomfortable to play next to a person.

It depends on your expectations when dealing with Chinese stuff like this. If I bought I would fully expect the emulation to be laggy and bad and possibly forced 16:9. I would expect the build quality to be shit, and the joystick and buttons to be dirt cheap clones of Sanwa parts.
But if I could get one for $200 shipped on sale I'd still pull the trigger. I have some leftover Mayflash levers and buttons that would do nicely in one of these. Then I'd hack some cheap x86-64 board into it.

There's also a chance it's JAMMA on the inside. Some of these products are. That would open other possibilities.

if we're talking about cool chink shit, how about a $550 portable dreamcast

Attached: dreamcast (2).png (1000x635, 999.95K)

It wouldn't be optimal but it'd be alright setting up at a friend's house. That's kind of the point.

Alternative is to replace the 2p side with something else suited to other kinds of games.
Put Sanwa on one side and Seimitsu on the other. Or maybe 8 way on one side and 4 way on the other.

Looks better than the portable PS2.

agreed. further I would buy both plus the GC/Wii handheld they keep shilling but the idea of basically being on the hook for anything that goes wrong makes it a questionable purchase.

Says $222.37 for shipping for me as cheapest option.

Link to review? Can't find any of the OP product or the 18.5" version.

Hard to justify when a Steam Deck can emulate the DC without any compromises, and DC emulation is very good.

They unscrew.
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