Is Nintendo really the Apple of video games?

Is Nintendo really the Apple of video games?

Attached: MBA.jpg (721x721, 23.48K)

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>fans buy anything with the logo on it no matter what

You be the judge.

Apple is the Apple of videogames: 8 billion dollars just by taking 30% of the gaming purchases.

Apple is already in the video game business.

Attached: Apple_Arcade_571x371.jpg.large.jpg (1142x644, 607.81K)

they go well together

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-02-03 at 6.10.08 PM.png (1920x1080, 2.38M)

I got a free trial to this and I still dont understand what it is

No, Sony is

>Playing games using a capture card on your desktop
People do this? weird. Enjoy your input lag.

It's basically Xbox Game Pass, but for iOS games.

>powerful chips

>what is the virtual boy
>what is the gamecube
>what is the wii u

Attached: 1640012456067.jpg (645x631, 135.76K)


Why does macOS look so delicious?

surely the money comes from the fact that billions of people have iphones

they actually care about UI design and aesthetics. At least until they decided to do this...

Attached: macbook-pro-2021-notch-feature.jpg (1600x900, 48.8K)

>planned obsolesence
>yearly releases
>prohibitively expensive
>factories where products are made need anti-suicide nets
If Nintendo was this bad, then the comparison would be fair.

>wii u
That's on Nintendo being retarded. I swear the reason for Sony's success is because they have the simplest naming scheme possible, even the biggest retard knows the Playstation 3 is a different console from the Playstation 4. If the Wiii U was the Wii 2 I'm sure it would have done infinitely better. Don't even get me started on Microsoft's names for Xbox consoles.

Not really. It's filled with games that are ONLY on Arcade. Like, you can't just buy them, you need to have Arcade to play them. Most are generic garbage, some are actual good games. The best iOS games are not on Arcade.

>people still mad at this

Now all software needs to be built with the "left of the notch" and "right of the notch" in mind. And many don't do it properly, leading to menu items just being obscured.

There is almost no software that has that many menu items in the first place. I have literally never come across a single one.

they did backpedal on the touchbar though didn't they

i don't Nintendo products have back doors and spyware

Please get started on Xbox consoles