Every animal is a dlc

>every animal is a dlc

Attached: hunter simulator.png (611x328, 110.09K)

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Because if you don't pirate you get what you fucking deserve

Attached: 1643927725059.jpg (1024x618, 121.56K)

How's the game?

For the realistic hunting license experience

I didn't buy it, i'm not paying 10 bucks so I can hunt ducks

What meme language is this?

bought it yesterday, quite enjoying how realistic it is

why would you wanna simulate something you can do in real life? i can understand monster hunter but like just go buy a gun and some tags and go hunt. I can guarantee it will be a better experience. It is a bird watching simulator I saw, just leave your fucking house lol

I think these games are exclusively for people who are autistically obsessed with a hobby to the point that they cant think about anything else

>bought call of the wild thinking it wouldn't go down the DLC path as classic
>basically does it anyway
I think they even said they weren't going to do a shit ton of DLC, but I'm more than likely wrong.

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I don't like hurting animals

I want an arcade style hunting game where you go on a massacre and you can ride around on vehicles and stuff

>I think these games are exclusively for people who are autistically obsessed with a hobby to the point that they cant think about anything else
Well, you are wrong retard

go hunt pests then?

how do you figure, retard?

but you like to simulate it?


It exists

Because I've played that game with my friends, when none of us is more than mildly interested in hunting.

what do you enjoy about it that you wouldn't get in a regular shooter or survival game?

I think he's spot on actually

Serious simulator games know they're a small niche, so they milk all they can from the hobbyists who eat this shit up. It's kind of the same reason productivity software is ridiculously expensive.

Because I really like animals and nature, I don't want to fight some big ugly monster, I want to see ducks and deer
i'd actually prefer if the game wasn't about hunting but about photography to be honest

You're also wrong, retard

If that is the case why not get into animal photography? I guess the barrier to entry is a little hire since you'd need to buy a camera but I think you would get a lot more enjoyment out of it.

Go to your local state or county park and just look for animals. Birds will probably give you the most variety. Learn the migration patterns and behavior of your local animals and I think you'd probably get a lot more fulfillment than a video game about the same subject.

I play video games to experience things that would otherwise be impossible for me. It seems silly to me to emulate something you can do in real life.