Games you miss

Post games you miss.

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That one, on PC

I miss Battlerite Royale

It was shit but I still miss it.

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I tried a couple of times and really liked it, why do you think it didn't pick up? are LoL/dota2 players incapable of liking anything new?

I just love boobs

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>it's the customers fault
maybe it was just shit and you have shit taste

I miss Battlerite.
I miss the epic comebacks I did with my health draining build for Ruh Kaan.
Fuck stunlock studios.

Shit game that deserved to die. Its predecessor was way better.

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Mystic was the most fun I had playing a healer in an MMO. I miss this game. I miss teleporting around and pissing off melees in PVP. I miss retards eating up all the healing orbs I dropped despite being full HP.

Spiral Knights was so comfy, man.



It felt good actively ruining people's experiences by being a sweaty veteran.
Killing 70% of the lobby by yourself was so much more fun than carrying retards in arena.

The only moba I've ever enjoyed. It was bad in all thee best ways. I miss it everyday.

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Got it when it released and squeezed as much time out of it as I could since I knew it would be dead soon. BR was chaotic and fun. I still have great memories of making people scream when I'd get them stuck in Sasha's loop.

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I don't really get 'missing' single-player games that're still playable. Why're IVAN and Dwarf Fortress on there, too? They're still getting updated.

My shitty moba based on a Warner Bro's IP is

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You mean specifically Royale? Or just Normal Battlerite?

Reasons why Battlerite didn't pick up steam
> Shit marketing
> People don't like it when they're more partially responsible when losing games IMO (In LoL/Dota most players just blame others when losing)
> Development halted to focus on Royale mode (that then became a separate game that you needed to BUY ONCE MORE, although it did change)

Reasons why Battlerite Royale didn't pick up steam
> Bad game balance, abilities and balance separate from main game causing confusion
> Meta developed in a week where you either did nothing or third/fourth partied anything
> Most heroes were good, but some heroes were just straight broken in a mobility sense like Zander (IMO)

I sincerely believe that had they not done the things they did, Battlerite would still be alive today (and that's coming from a person who even liked Royale)

The only good BR ruined by incompetent devs

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