The Lothric Knight Sword...the most elegant sword in Vidya

The Lothric Knight Sword...the most elegant sword in Vidya

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The Dragon Slayer Greataxe...the most BADASS axe in Vidya

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Dont mind me, just an old friend who never lets you down.

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ole' reliable

Black Knight sword... like a Claymore but for straight people

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they are the practically the same

>muh lucky first playthrough drop

Youre only a guide away from Drake Sword, you poser.

dont care still using ledo's hammer

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I prefer his big bro

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based ledochad

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God, I hate souls fans.

God, I love souls fans.

It was a lot stubbier in a player's hands than it is in a Lothric Knight's hands and I fucking hate that. It's a sexy sword and a Balder Side Sword successor in moveset.
LK is better for Quality builds, last I checked, and considerably better for Faith builds.
Black Knight Sword is GOAT though.

God, I hate souls fans

whats the difference between these besides the R2? Doesnt LS have more range and higher AR (very slightly on both of those things)

Love this thing, was my first DS3 weaponfu.

Dex users love him.

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God, I don't mind soul fans

BK weapons outside of DS1 are blasphemous to me

DS2 had the worst curved greatswords
DS1/3's are amazing though

I command thee, KNEEL!

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I don’t know man, hard to beat the Silver Knight Straight Sword for me
Sexy as fuck

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I only mind them in DS2 where some of their designs changed for no real reason and they were changed into pyromancer-oriented weapons with a FAI/INT requirement. I do miss flinging hollows with them in DS3, but they're strong contenders for whatever build you've got going that fits a BK weapon type.


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i tried astora gs recently and i dont get the appeal of it
its like a STR weapon with none of the benefits of STR weapons
that being that you hit the level softcap very early for STR then can pump everything into hp and stamina. astora is literally a dex weapon some reason.

That things too big to be called a sword

lks is longer, has extra crit damage and has a better 2h moveset, but requires something like 10 extra points invested vs the plain longsword. not sure about the infusion values.