"Heh, my power level is 10,000 times that of yours. I'll let you make the first strike."

Can the Japanese stop using this "Invincible, Arrogant Villain" trope?

>hero shoots villain
>villain catches projectile
>villain begins to crack a sly smile
>"Sorry kiddo, it'll take a lot more than that..."
>villain gets blasted with 30,000,000 bullets / energy blasts
>smoke clears
>hero does the "Japanese Gasp." you know exactly what I mean.
>villain unharmed, dusts off shoulder
>"Like I said..." teleports behind you "I could stop your heart with the snap of my fingers"
>hero beaten but inexplicably left alive
>"Heh, I could kill you, but that would be TOO EASY. First I will kill all you friends so you know true suffering"
>Hero "I'll stop you, bastard!"
>Villain "You can't even BEGIN to comprehend my power level."

It's in just about every fucking shonen, every Resident Evil game, every Metal Gear, it's even present in Death Stranding and Silent Hill. Did it all start with Godzilla? Heisenberg from RE8 suffers from this trope when he could have been interesting.

>"Heh... until we meet again, kid"
>teleports away, leaving a trail of fire in his wake
>later, the villain is beaten and strangely doesn't use any of the powers he was shown to have

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Other urls found in this thread:


Stop playing eastern trash.

Why is Light there?

>villain gets blasted with 30,000,000 bullets / energy blasts
>smoke clears
>hero does the "Japanese Gasp." you know exactly what I mean.
>villain unharmed, dusts off shoulder
>"Like I said..." teleports behind you "I could stop your heart with the snap of my fingers"
Pretty sure we can blame Bejita the jobber for this one

>American Game
>Powerful Villain
>First shot doesn't work
>Just keep hitting/shooting it till it's staggered
>QTE Sequence of beating it to death
>Sometimes you get a witty one liner too

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None of them could even TOUCH Reinhard Heydrich

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>Yagami Light

Orochimaru is far too based of a character.

Sounds kino

Also añnoying

I recently watched Naruto and one of the only good things about the entire show(ignoring the filler which I skipped) was seeing him wander around Konoha at the end.

How is the faggot from SAO an example of the "I'll let you strike first" trope? IIRC he has Kirito pinned to the floor and was shoving a sword into his back until Kirito was saved by the power of deus ex machina.

Can't believe someone saved my edit

It gives me a laugh

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Villain protagonist, but still a fucking villain who did it because he had a god complex, and you're still on the mental level of a teenager like him still if you think otherwise.

Is it true Orochimaru becomes a comic relief character in Boruto?

Dear fucking weeabs who are commenting on the characters in pic related, I got it from Google images. Because I'm a gigachad, I do not watch Animes.
>That character doesn't fit the trope!!!!1
'Kay, let's talk about the ones that do.

Glad it did the job.

No. He and Yamato did became comic reliefs in the wedding OVA though.

ESL retard

Sorry, did I say "Animes?"
I meant to say "the Animes"

The subject of morality is a far harder question than simply labeling certain actions good or evil or the people committing those actions heroes or villains. Thinking in black and white terms like you do is actually a good sign that you're not as mentally mature as you make yourself out to be, so basically, no u.
Pic related.

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Any Forums is just mad that none of their favorite characters could beat Goku