Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is. And you must bend to its power or live a lie

>Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is. And you must bend to its power or live a lie.
>Miyamoto Musashi

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>Ordering an AI to stop recognizing patterns

Miyamoto was just a glorified murderhobo.

Baki was accurate in it's portrayal then.

So this is how skynet will be created?

Makes sense. They need to control and manipulate AI to avoid showing reality.

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No, that is Carmack doing AI fuckery. He's still in that right?

Last i heard carmack was trying to start a rocketcompany after he kind of got forced out of VR.

>And you must bend to its power
Only faggots like Musashi bend to reality. The Winners create reality from nothing.

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All great men are.

You can be this reductive for everything.

99% of Samurai were just bored rich people killing peasants for fun

They weren't?


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Me too, bro.

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By power of will.


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>Winners Don't Use Drugs


Didn't Any Forums teach the last internet AI to hate niggers and kill jews?

>train an AI on polposts
>it says racist things
>poltards: wow this means we were correct

I swear the people on this get stupider every year

I want an app just called "Bros"
You need to send dickpic to get in the fun. (will be shared on your profile)

>Trusting FBI
How many jews did the AI kill?

Miyamoto was right though there is objective truth in the world, and it doesn't matter how many jew tricks you use reality doesn't change

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gender is not external signifier
check your privilige website from non-defined twitterscreencap (formerly Any Forums)

>our best feature is crippling our product so it won't do what you want it to do
Amazing pitch, totally sold on this.

"There are no facts, only interpretations."
— Friedrich Nietzsch

Reality is subjective. Because the opinions of two people should be accepted as the truth.

Not enough it seems.

>check your privilege
>on Any Forums
You lost, little boy?

>Reading incel sheeting.
No, thanks.

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>Lincoln waged war on the jews and that's why he got shot in the head

"They don't think it be like it is, but it do"

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>Reality is subjective

it is subjective to your ability to perceive it, however when perceived it doesn't change it's form only it's resolution to your senses.

Warm is warm cold is cold - 2=2=4 every time unless you lie for some reason

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Trump lost

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